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A/n: can you tell I'm just putting random anime boy pictures up here now lol

Y/n POV: "Yeah I'm coming." I walked into the kitchen to see what the hell she was yelling about. "What is wrong lady." "Your hair is done now I was saying your name but you weren't listening to me." "Sorry I was talking to a friend ." "A boyfriend~" "Yeah...he's nice." "Well that's good now head in the sink." She was half way done rinesing my when her husband spoke up. "Hunny he's here." "TELL THE BASTARD IM IN THE KITCHEN." "HEY YOU OLD HAG!" "Oof mom are you going to let him talk to you like that." "Oh no he's just mad cause he can't tell if a shark looking boy likes him or not." "HEY OL-Why the hell is she here." I brought my head from the sink and began to dry my hair. I look and saw Bakugo. "Oh your her kid. Mitsuki, why did you raise an asshole."

She was confused. "You know each other." "Yeah he's in my class and is a dick he made fun of me and my brother." "Well Katsuki this is the girl I've been trying to get you to talk to. But nope EVERY SINGLE TIME SHE WAS HERE YOU HID IN TIUR ROOM!" "Uh can we dye my hair?" "No you need to eat THE SAME WITH YOU KATSUKI." "OK OLD HAG! I laughed they show live in a unique way. "What's so funny crybaby!" "Hey watch who you call a crybaby I can still kick your ass!" "N-now you two calm down." I felt bad for Mitsuki's husband.

We ate and she dyed my hair I brought f/c to dye my hair. "Are you sure you want f/c?" "Yes I am I always wanted my hair to be f/c or s/f/c." "Well alright." we dyed my hair I said my goodbyes. I gave Bakugo a ride back to school since it was late. "T-thanks dumbass." "Yeah no problem." I walked up to my brothers door house and knocked on the door. Some girl opened the door. "Oh um who are you?" "Shinso Hitose's sister y/n Hitose." "Oh he said you had purple hair but uh come in." She took me to my brothers room and left.(so I wrote this for some reason as a side note. 'Well maybe it's cause they got Bakugo being a grenade every minute and the Bakusquad in herbal they can be scary')

A/n: hey guys Author-Chan here if you can make any sense of this story then good for you I mean this so really old and I'm having issues understanding it myself and I wrote it! Any way I'm I have like 37 pages on my computer of this so there's going to a shit ton of chapaters to this. Anyway I'll take requests duh and if you like this check out my other stories please and sorry this one is short but we got a little bit of drama coming and soon the lov parts so don't worry

Shinso's sister *Shigaraki x depressed reader*Where stories live. Discover now