12.) And I

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Hopefully this isn't too confusing I wrote this at 2 am and I typically don't edit my stories🤷🏽‍♀️

"This does not concern you, Satan. This is between my girlfriend and I," Finn said turning his back on the Latina Cheerio. "See Rach, we're good together. You're teaching me grammar. I even used that 'and I' thing you like so much."

Everyone in the room, besides Finn, rolled their eyes at his words knowing that what he's saying was complete and utter bullshit.

"Oh shut up, Hudson! It does concern me because Rachel is my friend and last I checked no longer your girlfriend. And when you try to publicly embarrass her in a room full of people, it becomes everyone in the room business," Santana told him gesturing to the people around who's eyes were all on the teen drama in front of them, even Mike Chang ,who tended to stay away from drama unlike his girlfriend, was watching.

"Man boobs,may I call you man boobs," she continued before he was able to respond in the negative, "and even if Rachel wanted to get back with you I wouldn't let her."

The rest of the Unholy Trinity looked on nervously wondering if the Latina was about to come out with their secret love for the diva before planned.

"Why because your jealous that she has me?" The quarterback asked cockily.

Puckerman knew his little sister would berate him for speaking up for her but he couldn't hold his tongue, "nobody wants to deal with your little problem Finn."

And just as he suspected Rachel's eyes found his and glared. The matched with one of his own, until the girl looked down and shook her head in defeat.

"What the hell man?!"

Santana brought the boy's attention back on her with her next few words, "while your boyhood as microscopic as it may be isn't the issue, the fact that you treat her like shit and expect her to stay with you! Like did your troll looking ass even apologize to her for cheating on her?!! Or how about the fact that you slushied her?! Or what about when you forget she's vegan?!"

Brittany chimed in, "And you throw away little Kitty calendars! I told Lord Tubbington about it one day and he said he will get his revenge on you for putting his siblings in the trash."

Both Santana and Quinn glared at everyone in the room besides Rachel and particularly Finn, daring them to say anything bad about Brittany in their presence.

"Well whatever, I don't care what any of you say about Rachel and I. She loves me and I love her, not to mention the fact that I'm the best boyfriend she's ever had, and I will continue to be so," Finn announced his smirk on his face giving him the look of constipation that made everyone cringe.

The small brunette girl took a step away from him shaking her head causing her dark hair to fling about, "no, no, no."

"Rach?" Quinn asked. "Are you ok?"

"You see, you all made her upset. She was fine when I was with her!" Finn said reaching to place his hand on his ex's shoulder.

Rachel moved away from him still shaking her head, "No. Finn, I can't do this anymore."

"I know, babe. So we're gonna go, and start planning a date at the Steak House a few blocks from my place," the oblivious quarterback said.

"Dude, you still don't get it she doesn't wa-" the secret Berry began only to be cut off by his sister.

"I can do this myself, Noah," Rachel said cutting him off. Puckerman stood down at her request but kept an eye out knowing how irrational and violent his friend could get when things didn't go his way.

"I don't want to be with you anymore, Finn. What you've been doing to me these past few weeks, months hurt me deeply. Then that girl in the cafeteria," the starlet stopped and took a deep breath.

Everyone else in the room cringed having witnessed the situation earlier today. Let's just say second hand embarrassment is a real thing.

Finn turned red and rubbed the back of his neck, "Not my finest moment there babe. But I've changed. We're good together. I don't love her like I love you. Me and her don't go on dates and stuff— it's just sex."

Rachel cringed and scowled at the same time, and if you were looking you would have seen Mike facepalm at the back of the choir room with his girlfriend Tina hitting his shoulders.

Santana and Quinn were about to speak up, but Brittany and Puck stopped them despite wanting to do something about it themselves knowing that their little diva wanted no more interference.

"First off, the one time you don't use the 'and I' today you get it wrong. Second, really just sex. You're in- well were in a relationship with someone else. What if I was finally planning on sleeping with you, and that cheerleader had a sexually transmitted disease that she didn't inform you about? You could have endangered not only your life but mines as well."

Three particular girls frowned at the thought of Rachel giving herself to the jock.

"Were you?"

"Was I what?"

"Planning on having sex with me? If so, you still can." Finn said reaching for her.

"That's not the point!" Rachel yelled finally losing her composure. Tears began to build in her eyes again, and her cheeks turned red with frustration. She looked around at everyone in the room, and took a deep breath and releasing it "never mind. Just- just leave me alone."

The brunette girl grabbed her bag and walked out of the choir room, the door closing quietly behind her

Quinn looked at the dumbfounded face of her and now Rachel's ex, "I swear you are the biggest idiot on the planet."She turned away from him, "And Finn if I see you bother her again, I will ruin you so fast. You understand me?"

"I didn't even do anything to her!"

The HBIC looked at him with one of her eyebrows raised, "do you understand?"

"Not even you can stand in the way of true love, Quinn. We all know that your just jealous of Rachel," he said before kicking another chair and leaving more dramatically than the diva herself.

"More like I'm jealous of you," she mumbled, but no one heard her as Puck and Brittany were whispering about something, and Santana was threatening the Changs.

"Listen Asian and B-sian, you speak about anything you've heard hear today and I'll rip your tongues from your mouths. Especially you Girl-Chang. I better not hear or see Bootleg Whitney and Knockoff Prada hee-hee-heeing about what happened here or I'm coming after you!"

The couple held each other and turned even paler from fear. They nodded in agreement though they didn't need Santana to threaten them to know to keep it to themselves. After that display they knew that Rachel Berry was now under the protection of the Unholy Trinity.

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