1.)Red Slushy Trails

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I decided to rewrite this chapter after watching some Glee music videos and fanfics. I feel like I rushed the storyline sorta. Also, I changed around some information from the movie like Quinn's pregnancy, etc...

A small brunette weaved her way through the crowd of teenagers of Mikinley High School with a huge smile on her face.

She had her Quarterback boyfriend, glee, and a new year as a junior.

Her name was-

"Rachel! Hey Rachel wait up!" a tall boy called out to her.

The girl turned in the direction of her name being called by a voice she distinctly recognizes as her off and on boyfriend, Finn.

As she opened her mouth to respond, her face was met with the ice cold slap. She immediately spit out the cherry frozen drink as it was the most disgusting flavor to her.

She felt the liquid began to seep through her sweater and down her body. She wiped her eyes to rid the ice particles on her eyes, but it didn't stop the dye from burning her brown orbs.

She took a quick glance up to be met with the blurry image but distinct lumberjack size of Finn Hudson her boyfriend.

She rapidly pivoted headed in the direction of her locker to retrieve the slushy kit that she left in her locker just in case of a slushy storm by a Cheerio or a jock who hated people like her. But never in a million years did she think she would have to use it because Finn, her forever, would do that to her.

She succeeded in doing her locker combination despite the blurriness  in her eyes from the dye and tears. She made through the crowed again towards the bathroom her smile no longer there ignoring the whispers about the recent slushy transgressions that just happened to be her's.

Four pairs of eyes observed the act in blazing fury.

Except each went about it in a different way.

The masculine pair of brown eyes went head on towards the team.

"What the hell man?! Why'd you slushy Rachel?!" the slightly shorter but more muscular teenage boy asked pulling aside his teammate.

"Cuz it had to be done to keep my spot on the team dude! And why does it matter to you Puck?! She's MY girlfriend not yours! And trust she'll understand!" Finn said smirking and walking back to his teammates cheering him on.

Puck was about to attack the boy until he remember what said girl had said to him previously and walked to his 1st period class early scowling at every animate and inanimate object his way.

The blue eyes that watched the slushy scene were filled with pain, sadness, remorse, and fury.

She wanted to shout, scream, grovel, and cry. In addition, to attacking the huge slushier.

"It's okay, B," the darker girl said wiping a tear that fell from her eye.

She didn't even realize that it had fell but thinking about how she could have prevented that simple yet major thing from happening just by sticking with the first girl her age to never see her has stupid began to take its toll on her.

Nobody knew their history except for the people who were apart of it.

The feminine brown eyes that watched took a more conniving approach towards the whole scene.

She began planning ways to kill the Fugly Green Giant, dispose of the body, and celebrate his 'un' planned  demise with an after-party.

"No killing S," the shorter blonde said to her.

"He-," the dark haired girl was about to protest until she realize that pain was still allowed.

She has been deciding when would be the best time to befriend the just slushied girl, and she's been thinking that this would be the year. She has been wanting to become her friend since that day the short girl said those 3 words and even before that for a time no one knew except her and the brunette.

The hazel eyes that observed the scene went with a more subtle and bored tactic. A classic.

A common HBIC glare and a "Leave."

The halls were cleared in an instant except for a few jocks who stayed, but then left after they seen three pairs of piercing eyes look there way.

"Good job Q," the second tallest cheerleader said.

She wanted to be friends with the girl since their heart to heart a few years ago where she thought her life was flipped upside down. She didn't tell anyone else out of fear and judgement but said girl didn't care. She was just there.

All three Cheerios were snapped out of there thoughts when the warning bells rang meaning they had 3 minutes to get to class or they'll be late and given detention which for Cheerios meant 10 extra laps at full speed.

They looked at the barren hallways that showed know trace of the event except for the smeared trail of melted red slushy that showed parts of the path the girl took to get cleaned off, and the broken slushy cup a douchebag of a boyfriend used to do it with.

Each girl stole one last glace in the direction Rachel went linked pinkies and headed to their 1st period they shared with her. Each knowing they want to be more than just friends.


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