4.) Groceries

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Rachel walked the halls of the school with a sense of confidence getting strength from the love she felt from her family the previous night.

As she walked through the halls, she heard the whispers and comments about her slushy facial from her boyfriend the previous day.

She approached her locker to see the boy in question leaning against it with a cocky smirk in place as he seen her. Long gone the boyish smile he had sophomore year.

"Hey Rachel," he said when she finally reached her locker.

"Good morning Finn, how has your day been so far?" She greeted in her chipper nature.

"It's been good," he replied without paying attention as he checked out a baby Cheerio walking past.

Rachel took note of that and her heart hurt. For the year they've been together, Finn never showed interest in other girls, besides Quinn and Santana, at least so obviously to the point it hurt.

"Is there a reason you're here Finn? I do enjoy our chats but I have to get vocal practice for a performance I plan on doing for glee before homeroom," Rachel said a little less happy but Finn as usual was oblivious to her emotions.

"Oh yeah right," he said returning his attention back to Rachel since the baby Cheerio turned in the hall. "I came to tell you I have to cancel our Tuesday date night this week because I have to help my mom out with...um grocery shopping this week," he stated more like a question as if he was trying to memorize lines given to him.

Rachel knew he was lying. She was with him for a year so of course she knew. She knew that his mother preferred to take Kurt with her because he knew how to pick ripe fruits and vegetables. She knew that Finn hated any form of shopping unless it was for video games. She knew that he gets a confused look whenever he lies or trying to solve any basic problem because he's trying to figure out what to say.

But She also knows how to act and lie without letting her real feelings show in front of people who don't care or don't know her. And it pained her to admit it, so she refused to do so but Finn was one of those people.

"Oh, that's ok! We still have the rest of this year's Tuesdays to have our date night. Tell Carol that I said hello. Have a good homeroom!" Rachel said after kissing his cheek and heading toward the choir room.

That glee class the brunette didn't perform which brought disappointment and confusion to three Cheerios and Puck and relief of everyone else in the group as she all she could do was wonder what was Finn really going to do this afternoon instead of date night.

(A month later)

That first canceled date was the first of many because apparently Finn's mother needed help with grocery shopping every Tuesday or she ended up falling down the stairs a lot or Finn was asked to help with tutoring.

The latter was pretty funny in Rachel's eyes because Finn had a 0.93 GPA and even that's giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Rachel had an inner turmoil going on inside her pint sized body that she didn't want to burden her moms with seeing has how they were preparing for a movie and the other an upcoming play. Her fathers had a big cases going on in the law firm. And Noah wouldn't even talk he'd just go and beat the crap out of Finn.

So she chose music the most precious thing to her besides her family.

She entered the empty choir room and closed the blinds then locked the door to give herself more privacy.

The brunette walked towards the piano which shockingly was not occupied by Brad.

She sat down on the wooden bench gliding her fingers along the unfamiliar yet familiar keys of the piano.

She began to press down on random keys waiting for a song to come to her.

She never played in the school before, but the keys and notes brought her the comfort that the environment she was occupying couldn't.

As the notes and melody came so did the words of the song that was so engraved in her mind.

(Couldn't find a piano cover and singing to match the sound I had in mind sorry 😐 )

The song sung to Rachel rather than Rachel singing the song.

The Jewish girl felt like her and Finn were at war with each other instead of loving one another.

The lies and deceit that Finn continued to use were stabs in the back; punches to the gut; and bombs to her heart.

He was quickly winning this war as she was slowly dying. Her health bar decreasing with each special move.

And what she would see the next day would basically be the video game's way of saying "finish him."

Unbeknownst to Rachel, three pairs of eyes: brown, blue, and hazel, watched her sing hidden in the closet with admiration and pain as her haunted and beautiful voice carried through the cracks in the door and to their welcoming ears.

"Rachie sounds sad. Pretty but sad," the owner of the blue eyes  said with a pout and tears.

"I know B, I know," the brown eyed girl said to her taller companion holding back tears of her own.

"And we're going to fix it," the shortest of the three girls said with hardened and determined hazel eyes.

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