13.) Tiger

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After being threatened by the cheerleader, the two Changs along with Finn left the choir room leaving the Unholy Trinity and Puck by themselves.

"So now what do we do?" Quinn asked breaking the silence in the room.

"I say we storm up to her house. I still know where she lives after that tragic birthday disaster or whatever the hell it was," Santana cringed remembering the sight of Rachel and Blaine kissing which caused her to cry even more than the alcohol.

Noah began to panic. He knew that Rachel wouldn't be there especially in this state. And he also knew she wasn't in a position to receive confrontation or interrogation from the toughest women he knew- family not included. "Maybe we should lay low for a while. At least until the end of the day. Rachel doesn't particularly like to be bothered after an argument."

"And you would know this how, Puckerman?"Santana asked with an icy edge to her voice.

Noticing her lady kissing partner's distress, Brittany placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a small smile.

"I'm her friend!" Puck said feeling uncomfortable with the brown skin girl's stare.

"You haven't been befriending her to get her to sleep with you? Cause that would be low even for you," Quinn said remembering her drunken sexcapades with Puck and the fear that followed along with an unexpected-albeit short friendship.

The oldest teen and only guy in the room almost threw up at the thought of sleeping with his sister, "EWW NO!"

Santana scoffed in disbelief.

"Tana, Quinny , he doesn't wanna sleep with her," Brittany said finally speaking up after staring at the secret Berry.

"Why do you say that, Britt-Britt?" Santana asked knowing that despite her innocence in certain situations, Brittany was pretty smart especially when it came to people.

The tall dancer had a bright smile on her face when she said, "he's the tiger and she's the princess."

Puck let out a small laugh getting what the blonde was saying. However, the other people in the room didn't catch on.

"What?" Quinn said not following where this analogy was going even if English was her highest grade.

"Puck's the tiger. And Rachie's  the princess." the blonde repeated frowning that her two love's weren't understanding where she was going with this.

"It's true. Look, I know you care for her in some sort of way or you wouldn't have defended her the way you did. But just give it a day. She will be better tomorrow," Puck still noticed the doubt on the two girl's faces. "I'll text her and ask if it's ok for me to give you her number. If she says yes, I'll send to S, ASAP ok?"

The three girls sent each other looks only the three of them really understood. Then Quinn said, "That works. But don't you dare try and play her, Puck. I mean it."

With that she and Santana left the room.

"They sure do hate me, huh?" Puck said to Brittany.

"I wouldn't say hate, more like a lack of trust. I mean can you blame them? You screwed them both, literally"the blonde laughed.

"No, I guess I can't," he chuckled.

The room was quiet for a couple of minutes filled with the awkward silence of two old friends having so much to say but no way to say it.

Puck was unsure on how to express his anger and disappointment at his former best friend. And Brittany lost on how to say 'I'm sorry.'

The girl wondered would the same tension be filled in the air when her and Rachel were finally alone.

"Anyway, thanks for not saying anything about the whole situation."

The blue eyed girl let out a small smile, "you know I'd do anything for you and Rachel."

"Yeahhhh, well I should get going. You should to, wouldn't want to keep Satan and Regina George waiting."

As he walked out the door, he turned around and said "I blame you and Rachel for why I know that reference." And with that he was gone.

The blonde let out out a sad sigh and ran out the room catching up with her two friends at the door, "hey, I'm sorry to keep you waiting I was talking with a tiger."

P.S this is not a Puck x Brittany story. Sorry if it gave off those vibes due to the tension and longing in the room. I tried to convey the feelings of two friends who lost their friendship due to HS, loyalty, and peer pressure. Again if I missed the mark, I'm sorry.

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