16.) Morning

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The brunette was the third one downstairs with both Shelby and Hiram conversing over coffee.

"Good Morning," Rachel said as she kissed their cheeks before making her way to the fridge to prepare a fruit salad.

"Morning starlet, how did you sleep?" her mother asked her.

Rachel began cutting up a banana, "it was... decent. I slept well but woke up restless because I don't know how Finn is going to act now that we broke up. How about you two?"

They both frowned at what their daughter said. "My night was fine. Would you like your dad and I to go down there and say something?" Hiram asked.

"Yeah, I'll even come down if necessary," Shelby told her.

"No need, on both accounts. I'll be fine. And I'm sure Noah, San-" the girl paused what ever she was going to say then went and grabbed some strawberries from the fridge.

Hiram and Shelby looked at each other before smirking. "Who is this San you speak of? I never heard of a San, have you?" she asked the starlet and father, respectively.

"I never heard of this San fellow either. Would this have anything to do with this girl from last night's dinner?" And eyebrow raised Mr. Berry asked.

"Mom, you never did tell me how your night was," the brunette said stuffing her mouth with her two-fruit-incomplete-salad to pass the time.

"Fine. Now answer the question."

Rachel swallowed her mouth full of strawberries and bananas before replying, "her name is Santana. And yes she's the girl who asked Noah for my number."

Both her parents raised an eyebrow and smirked before a deep voiced said "who asked for my Princess number?"

"No one daddy," Rachel smiled cheekily in an attempt to get her father to forget what was going on. This ploy worked 9 times out of 10, but as Leroy Berry folded his arms and looked down at her Rachel realized today was not one of those times.

She sighed and explained how one of the Cheerios in the glee club asked Noah for her number, and how Santana and her friends seemed interested in being friends. But she didn't explain how one of those girls was Brittany.

By the time she finished, Noah and Traci came down the stairs. Traci went straight towards the coffee since the woman could not function properly without it- a discovery each person in the house had to learn a hard way. Noah, on the other hand, was dressed but you could tell that he didn't wash his face as dried drool, toothpaste, and sleep was still on his face.

"Welcome to the land of the living," Shelby said as she handed her wife her already made coffee. Traci grunted in gratitude.

Rachel went to the sink to wet a napkin, and she walked up to her half-asleep brother before pulling him down to her level so she can clean him up. "I can't have you walking around school looking like that even if people don't know we're related. We share 50% of the same DNA, and I can't have people thinking that the 50% that caused this is connected to me."

"I don't know if I should be offended or not," Traci grumbled as she hovered her face over the coffee.

Everyone else laughed at the conversation before the alarm went off reminding them that it's time for the kids to start heading out for school.

Rachel gave her parents kisses on the cheek while Noah handed out half hearted hugs as he still tried to process being awake.

"Don't forget to share schedules to the family group chat, so I can make next week's schedule," the young starlet said before she walked out the door.

"Sooooo did you text her?" Puck asked her as they drove to school.

Rachel rolled her eyes, "this is the first thing you've said to me all morning. No, 'morning Rachel. How was your sleep?' Or 'Rachel, my darling sister, you look lovely this morning.'"

"Well, did you?" He asked ignoring the brunette's dramatics.

"Yes," she mumbled as she pulled up 2 blocks away from the school, so nobody would notice them.

Puck stared at her as she popped the truck for her stupid suitcase bookbag. She got out of the car still oblivious to his stare.

"Well?" He called out.

"Well what?" Rachel asked closing the trunk and grabbing Puck's bag from the back.

He took the bag from her and shrugged it on her shoulder, "what do you mean 'what'? Santana. Lopez. Texted you."

"We mostly joked around-"

"Flirted," Noah interrupted causing Rachel to shoot him a glare.

"And she checked up on me after the whole Finn thing. And..."


"And basically she said the Unholy Trinity wants to be friends with me," she said before walking off not waiting for a response.

"She what?!"

Yeah, something about a sleepover this weekend. She didn't get into much detail," Rachel replied. "Now I'll talk to you about it after school. You might want to wait a minute before coming in after me. But don't you be late or I'll destroy all your Die Hard and Bad Boys movies."

"Damn Rach, that's cold," Puck said with a hand to his heart.

I know it's not the best chapter in the world but I posted this as a reminder that it's still here (if you want it to be) I hope 2022 will be better for all of you.

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