《Chapter One [Remake]》Silent Cries

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You guys know the drill! :>
[Y/n] = Your name
(E/c) = eye colour
Your hair is white and fINALLY I'VE UPDATED XD
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"Fucking bastard." Matt grunted as he stepped over a log. Like always, Al had gotten on his nerves, but today, the asshole went too far. He threw Matt's favourite shirt into the fire in the fireplace and laughed his ass off at the expression the angry Canadian made. Then Matt stormed out the house through the back door and onto the forest behind the house. Kuma went with him too, growling occasionally at the memory of the stupid bastard, Allen.

Matt stopped walking and sat on the ground leaning against a tree. He sighed heavily and tried to clear his head. It was just a shirt? Why was he so mad? Well someone important gave it to him. A human from a long time ago who was actually nice to him when he was still a young nation.

He clenched his fists and slammed his first down on the dry ground in anger. He needed to calm down. He looked at Kuma, who in turn looked at him and got the message.

The large bear walked off to do his own thing while his owner cooled his head.

But he noticed something. Something white and moving in some bushes. The bear bounded over to it and sniffed it. He poked his head further into the bush until he came face to face with a small baby. The baby had large (e/c) coloured eyes and hair as white as paper. The little baby was in a small basket with a white blanket over it, and a small piece of paper peeked out from underneath the cloth that acted as a pillow.

For a while, the baby and Kuma stared at each other, until the baby's face suddenly broke into a large smile and it cooed as it tried to reach for Kuma's face. The bear, curious of the small creature in front of it, moved forward so his face was closer. The baby giggled loudly as it patted Kuma's face and hugged him. He stood still, unable to think of a way to respond to the sudden affection.

Matt, who heard the giggles got up and went over to Kuma. "Kuma. What did you find?" The bear glanced up at him before backing away and showing him. "A...baby? The hell is it doing here?" Kuma made a grunt sound, as if to say he doesn't know. Matt looked down at the child with a bored expression and started walking back to the house.

"Come on Kuma, let's head home..I need to get back at that dumb bastard..." Kuma glanced back at the small child. He hesitantly looked away and followed after his angry Canadian owner..

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Matthiue grumbled as he washed the dishes after they all had dinner. Oliver made him do the dishes that day even though it was Allen's turn. The bastard ran away so the job was pushed onto the, already fuming with rage, Canadian. He could almost hear the obnoxious American's laughter in his head.

He sighed aggressively and put all the plates away. He looked down at Kuma who was giving him a look. Matt frowned.

"You aren't still thinking about the kid are you?" He said in a bored tone. Kuma grunted and looked at the garden door. Matt pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't understand why you're so fixated on that thing! It's just an abandoned baby, someone will find it eventually, unless the reason why your obsessed with it is to eat it then hell no."

Matt can't lie though, he's also been having the occasional thoughts about the small child. Just questions. That's all. Nothing else.


"Fine." Matt grunted. The polar bear at his feet perked up and ran to the door. His owner sighed and opened the door, only for him to dash out. "Kuma! Wait- tch! COME BACK!" Matt yelled as he immediately ran after the run away bear.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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