【Chapter Two~~Happy Days】

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Y/n = Your name
E/c = Eye colour
Your hair colour is white because it suits the story. You'll see.
On their way to the house, Matt would occasionally look down at the little infant to see her 'aw'-ing at Kuma. She'd reach out for him and giggle cute laughs. A small smile would find its way into Matt's face. Which was something very unexpected. You'd only see him smirk when his brother got his ass kicked or when he got into trouble, he liked seeing his brother's misfortune. It was the only thing that entertained him in the boring ol' home.

The three eventually came out of the forest to see a small, dark oak fence and a field of multiple flowers.

When the family first moved to their home, they didn't realise that they'd be living close by to the field where new countries appeared. The place was a whole new world on its own. There were only a few places around the world where there'd be an opening to the little world. And one of them was in Britain, where they lived.

"You might be a new country...but new countries appear as kids....what are you kid?" Matt mumbled to the little girl, but her being a somewhat new born, she didn't understand and simply giggled and reached out for him with her tiny, stubby hands. Her e/c eyes shining brightly in the sun.

They all walked on, well Kuma and Matt that is, and stopped at another dark oak fence. Matt opened the gate, there was a tiny flash of white in a split second, then they were in the small forest at the back of the house, with the magical fence behind them.

Kuma randomly decided to sniff the small child in the basket. She giggled, again, in response as his wet nose tickled her. Matt glared down at Kuma, who backed off in response.

There's been an awful lot of walking hasn't there, Reader? Fear not, the walk shall come to an end as the three came out of the forest and hopped over the smaller, duller fence painted a faint pastel pink. The family, or more of their dad, was planning on getting new fences and painting those when they find the same paint, or pastel blue instead.

Matt took out some keys from his back pocket on his dark jeans and unlocked the back door. Our characters stepped inside.

"Guys I'm home! I've got something too!" Matt yelled into the empty house. Immediately, his dad ran in and gave his son a hug.
"Matt! You're finally home! We were worried about you." His dad said.
"More like you were worried. I was actually enjoying the peace in the house without that ass here." Matt's brother remarked. Gaining a frown from their dad and losing 5 pounds [I'm British, deal with the way I spell]
"Allen! Mind your language and pay up." And he did so. Oh, did I mention their father walked in too?

After the little scene, all eyes were on you and your basket, mostly you of course. Instantly, everyone asked in their trademark tones "What's that?"
"Not what, who," Matt corrected "and I found her in the forest, just beyond the field."

Allen raised an eyebrow, their dad perked up, that's when you know he excited, and their father just looked like he couldn't care less.

"We should keep her! A new addition to the family will be a nice experience, especially a girl!" Their dad squealed in excitement. He was too loud for your liking but you still thought he was nice so you didn't cry.

"Oliver no," their father spoke up. "But why François? Just look at her, she's adorable, we can't just abandon her!" Oliver exclaimed. "Just no. Taking care of two kids at once was enough for me but having another kid here, especially a girl, is a handful. And by the looks of it, she's a newborn so she'll wake us all up at night and we'll be sleep deprived." François must really not want to have this kid since that's probably the longest he's spoken in a long time!

《Special Flower》 2p F.A.C.E Family X Fem!Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now