【Chapter Sixteen】Pasta, Pizza and World Domination

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Y/n = Your name
E/c = Eye colour
F/c = Favourite colour
N/n = Nickname name
Your hair is white and let's see how you get on with the Italian bros!~ (more like Three Musketeers)
Also I'm totally gonna ship you with some of the micronations cuz why tf not :D

So far, Y/n was having the time of her life!

The three of them treated her like a princess. Hell, even her bed room was fit for one.
Her queen sized bed had those silky, slightly transparent curtains around the sides and they were a beautiful, vibrant crimson. The duvet was a completely different colour as it was a nice shade of violet and almost matched her German uncle's, Lutz', eyes. She had around 5 or 6 pillows, each a pure, bright white and were SUPER fluffy, it was almost like sleeping on a cloud, the mattress felt the exact same as well. She knew for sure she'd sleep peacefully for the rest of her stay there.

She also had a large, dark oak cupboard and even with the amount of clothes she brought with her it looked half empty which kinda surprised her since her cupboard back home wasn't completely able to fit everything thing and leave so much space.

The carpet was a light pinky-red and matched well with the bed curtains and the walls were a pale peach.

There was even her own walk-in wardrobe, which was the size of half a classroom and used for changing. She also had her own bathroom attached as well.

Y/n already felt so special and she just walked in.

    "Do you-a like it mio piccolo fiore?" Flavio asked her as he peaked into her temporary room. The albino girl spun round and smiled.
    "I don't like it! I LOVE IT!!" She squealed with joy and tackled him in a hug, giggling till her heart's content.

The other two Italians showed up behind the two, both held a frown.
    "We all helped decorate it..." Rosso mumbled. Y/n felt instantly guilty and tackled the other two.
    "Well, looks like having great taste runs in the family! Thank you all so much!"

Luciano awkwardly patted her head and Rosso embraced her. The Flavio joined the hug by hugging all of them from behind Y/n.

Luciano coughed and cleared his throat, bring everyone's attention to him and breaking up the hug.

    "In an hour and a half, we'll-a have dinner, which will-a be a mixture as-a today we-a have a guest." He announced. Y/n perked up.
    "What are we gonna have then?" She asked and tilted her head.
    "Oh! For-a dinner, we'll be-a having pasta, pizza and lasagna! Then we'll-a have gelato for-a dessert!~" Flavio said with excitement. You could practically see the bright pink sparkles all around him.
    "You'll-a have to-a change your-a clothes first, Y/n." Rosso reminded the girl. She giggled and saluted with her left hand-
    "Aye sir!~"
[Totally not two references at once :3]

Luciano turned to the left and walked down the hall and into a room which Y/n assumed to be his office.
Flavio hugged her once more before going to the left and down the, what seemed to be, newly varnished staircase and skipped off somewhere. This left Rosso and Y/n to themselves.

After a short moment of silence, Rosso spoke up.
    "Aren't you-a going go change now?"

Y/n made an 'Oh' face and rushed back into her room and leafed through all her clothes, debating on which would be suitable enough. Rosso watched her from the doorway, then he shuffled in to sit down on the red, cushioned stool at the end her bed.

    "I can-a help you pick out some-a clothes if you'd like." He offered. Y/n briefly looked at him, then hung her head low, mumbling a silent 'Yes please', bring a smirk to Rosso's face.

《Special Flower》 2p F.A.C.E Family X Fem!Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now