Droids nest

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The shadow came into focus as Luna and Eli edged closer

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

The shadow came into focus as Luna and Eli edged closer. It was female. She was tall and her eyes glowed just like the other droids but hers were green. 

Luna wondered if the female droids had green eyes and the male ones had blue.

She let out a cough as the dirty air filtered through her lungs. It was like she could feel the smut clogging up her airways, she didn't miss this feeling one bit. Her grasp around Eli"s hand became tighter as the scene around them unfolded.

Eli noticed the other droids and their eyes focused on him. The way this lady was speaking to him was like she knew him. He didn't remember her at all. He felt so small and scared, not for his life but for the life that was squeezing the blood supply off from his right hand.

"Take them" A droid came over to Eli and quickly grabbed his hands pulling them behind his back forcing him to submit. He knew it was foolish to fight against so many.

Another droid rushed over to Luna and pulled out a device.

Luna stepped back as the robotic hand waved a strange device at her. She lost her footing on the parts of old ruins that scattered the area. The jagged stones cut into her as she landed on her back with a thump. She let out a gasp trying to not to hit her head.

"Stay still" His voice sounded robotic, not like Eli's. The droid looked like a robot, not human at all.

The last thing Luna could think of was Lucky, she was still with Joe. The device hit the front of Luna's head and she was out like a light.

Eli watched in horror as they forcefully put his friend to sleep with this strange device. He pulled and pushed as they carried both of them into a large vehicle. He couldn't understand any of this.

How had the whole planet become this mess, this empty nothing? Why were there robots killing humans or why was he some kind of half robot? The questions ran around his mind making him dizzy. He needed answers and he wouldn't stop until he got them. He sat against the metal cage in the large vehicle as the doors slammed.

He leant forward resting his cheek against the cold metal bar. He wanted to feel the cold against his skin. He wanted to feel the tingling feeling that washes over your skin when it touches the cold. Anything to remind him that he was still


He reached down and held Luna's lifeless hand. He knew as he looked at her he was human, he didn't need anything to tell him that. He ran his hands through his thick black hair and felt like he wanted to cry.  An overwhelming feeling rushed through his body as he curled up beside Luna clutching her hand again. Tears spilt from his eyes making the muscles in his face tremble. He could taste the salty tears as they glided over his lips, there was no doubt in his mind now; he was still human.

They had gone into this blind without a plan, Luna was in danger and that's the last thing Eli ever wanted.

"I'm sorry for all of this Luna, You took me in and freed me. Gave me life, and now look at us"

Terra FirmaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα