chapter 15

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Desire's point of view

The smell of something delicious is what wakes me from my surprisingly good sleep. looking at the clock on the drawer I see that it is nine o'clock in the morning.

"Well, I must've been really tired" i say out loud

"I believe you are" says a voice, scaring me off the bed and unfortunately to the floor.

"Ouch" what is it with me and falling off the bed.

"Are you okay?" asks the intruder who i realize is Antonio. "had I known you would fall of the bed I would have done it more often" he says, laughing.

Yanking my arm which he was using to help me up with happens to be a big mistake as i once again land on the floor.

"You must really love the floor huh?" he asks with more laughter.

Seriously, can't he tell that I'm in a lot of pain? It's too early for this type of wake up call.

"Instead of laughing at me why can't you be a gentleman and help me up?" do i have to do all the work here?

"No can do. one, because I ain't  no gentleman and two because you can get up yourself. you better hurry because her highness made breakfast" he says as he exits the room.

Her highness, mhm not bad actually.


"Well look who decided to grace us with her presence" says Antonio with a smug look on his face. oh how i wish i could slap it off.

"A girl needs her shower, but you wouldn't understand as you are neither a woman nor a gentleman, but a hooligan" I say whilst sticking out my tongue at him. I know, very childish but sorry to burst your bubble because I'm only eighteen.

"Can you both settle down so we can eat, we've got a long day ahead of us" says Alex.

Once said, i plant my bottom on the chair that is next to...yep you guessed right, next to Alex's because why not?

All the food on the table smells and looks amazing. i see bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, pancakes and toast and a jug of juice and one of milk.

"Where's the coffee?" I ask.

"I didn't make coffee today. thought we'd go with a somewhat light breakfast" says Alex "but i could make some if you need it" she continues whilst getting up from her seat.

"No it's okay i was just asking" i say as she seats back.

"Well then" says Antonio as he loudly claps his hands "lets get to eating"

What an idiot.


It's now one p.m and we are getting ready to head inside .my parents house.

Yes. we have decided on what exactly we are going to tell my parents and the police.although it is risky, I know that with this idea, my family will welcome Alex with open arms and not many questions will be asked.

This will give Alex a chance to be incognito whilst gathering information. she will be a "normal" teenager and actually go to school.

Yes, i said school. this is a decision that she took all on her own. trust you me when i say that i was shocked as well


"Okay, this is how everything is going to pan out. once we have both been taken in to most likely to be questioned, we will respond as we rehearsed" says Alex

"And then once that is over, we both go back to my house and pretend as if nothing happened. i go back to school and..."

"We.we go back to school" she says

Excuse me?

"I'm sorry, what?" she cannot be serious 

"I said WE go back to school. this means that after the investigations,you and I both go back to school,your school to be exact and..."

"There is no way that you are going back to school,even worse at my school" I cut her off

"Here me out Desire"

"No Alex, that's a bad idea and you know it. i get you living close but being at the same school as me is just too much" I continue not realizing the look that both Antonio,who has been quiet the whole time and Alex are giving me.

"Do you have a boyfriend" they both ask.

What the heck.

"No of course not, why would you even ask me such a question?"

Seriously, they need to chill

"Because I'm questioning the reason why you don't want me to go to school with you" she says

"Oh i don't know, maybe it's the fact that you've never been to school?" i respond.

Yes, you heard right. in all her life she had never been to school.

"So?" she asks

"So?So? do you know what happens when you are dumb at school? you get bullied, you get teased, sometimes even your teachers discourage you" i respond with evident anger in my voice.

She doesn't get it. I don't think i will be able to watch her get discouraged by the people who were supposed to be motivating and showing her how to get the right answers.

I haven't started senior year yet. only because I've been here,but lord knows that if i get the same mathematics teacher as last year, then i'm screwed.

"Just because I've never been to school doesn't make me dumb. you think I've spent my entire life doing nothing? if that's what you think than you don't know me at all" she says as she looks me dead in the eye.

"I'm going to school and that is final."

End of flashback.

That is how the conversation went and now we are seated in the back of a cab that is being driven by Antonio, outside my house.

Yes, we are parked outside my house, getting ready to go in and tell a lie that could either stop the search and not raise questions or get us investigated and probably get Alex arrested.

 well whoever they think is Alex because as of right now the person who was once known as Alex to me is now Kaycee O'neil. a nineteen year old orphan who ran away from her orphanage at the age of 15.

"Are you ready, Desire Lopez?" she asks me

"I am. are you, Kaycee O'neil?" i ask too

"I was born ready" she says as she opens the car door on her side and steps out

"Good luck" says Antonio as i step out too.

Once we reach the front door, she takes my hand and says

"whatever happens, i'm not getting arrested" whilst kissing it.

Having gathered the courage, I ring the door bell and we wait.

"ALEX" i hear as the door opens.

Unable to control myself, i lunge myself onto the person as tears fall down my eyes and i scream


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