chapter 23

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Alex’s point of view

Sitting in the car as I watch people enter and exit the hospital, I think of all the terrible and horrible things I want to do to Lucas.Not only is this guy dangerous, he is also a sick mother fucker.

Going through the files he had in his briefcase I found names of people that are supposedly kept in the basement of this hospital. People that he uses to make his drugs and others that he tortured for fun.

This operation was his plan and he started it five years ago. Thirteen people aged from 18-45 have died because of maltreatment and mostly torture.

“Boss, this place is crawling with Scorpions and there are civilians everywhere. How do we get in and out without being seen?” John asks as he frantically looks around for danger.

“Can you please calm down you’re irritating me and I’ve got a plan but it’s not going to work out if you blow our cover” I say as I put on the doctor’s coat that I stole from some doctor and turn to him “how do I look?”

I’m dressed in scrubs, a white doctors coat and a mask around my neck.

“like a real doctor” he says with a chef’s kiss making me giggle slightly.
We are dressed similarly except he isn’t wearing a coat.

“things won’t be the same without you” he says, shocking the hell out of me “but I’m glad you’re leaving this life. Seriously, it sucks. If I could start my life all over I would but honestly I don’t think I want to. Being here with all these guys just makes life a little less shitty. We don’t have families so we’re each others family. You have a family, people who are going to love you with everything that they’ve got and that’s exactly what you need. A chance to start over and you’ve got it, so use it wisely” he says before turning back to look out the window.

Wow. If I wasn’t sure about leaving this life then I’m a hundred percent sure now. I guess all I needed was someone else to tell me that I was making the right choice.

“thank you John. Thanks a lot. I really needed that” I say with teary eyes.

“don’t get all mushy on me now Al or I might just lose all respect for you” he says as he lightly punches my shoulder.

“Haha I’m not getting mushy but if you ever punch me again I will pop a cap in your ass” I say with a straight face before we both bust out laughing.

I haven’t had a good laugh in a long time so this feels good.

A few minutes later police sirens are heard before their cars appear including the swot team.

“It’s time” I say to John before we exit the car, with some of my guys behind us and enter the hospital as members of the Scorpion gang are arrested and most of the civilians scurry off.

Once we enter the hospital, we head straight for the elevator and I hit the ‘ground level' button and we descend.

“remember guys, shoot to kill. You get the girl and get out without being seen. Joe’s already working on the security footage so that’s covered and...

“and what about you?” John asks as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

“I’ve got a score to settle” I say as I shrug his hand off my shoulder.

Once the elevator doors open, everything becomes really as bullets fly from both ends.

Guys from the Scorpion gang start falling down with bullets implanted in them. When bullets from their end stop coming we hold fire and see what’s happening.

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