chapter 7

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Desiree's point of view

What have I gotten myself into. I've never dreamed of being kidnapped, let alone being kidnapped by someone I know. I know she recognized me, the look of recognition on her face before she kissed me confirmed it. I should have known she was dangerous the time I met her. Her aura was so mysterious and dark, I should have just left when I had the chance, now I'm going to get killed.

"you are so quiet back there, everything okay"

How the heck can she ask me such?. No matter what I say she is going to kill me.

"I have nothing to say"

what does she want me to do, sing kumbaya, why is she talkative all of a sudden?

"why are you so interested in me talking?"

"I'm just trying to make conversation" she said with a sheepish grin

Okay it is official, she is crazy. How long is this ride anyway? I hope that she shoots me straight in the head, I do not want to feel pain as I die. I'm never going to see Mitch's annoying face, I'm never going to disturb Hailee again. Mom and dad will forget about friends will forget about...

"why are you crying?" she asks me and in that instant do I notice that there are tears flowing down my face.

"maybe because I'm going to die?" I answer and that confirms my suspicions and I start crying even more

"please stop crying."


"please stop crying."


"I said stop fucken crying." And that shuts me up

"damn it desire." So she remembers me

"I'm sorry for shouting okay, just please shut up"

Why is she being so nice, its making it hard for me to hate her.

"I'm not going to kill you"

"so why kidnap me"

"you have seen too much. I have to make sure that you don't rat me out"

"that settles it then, you have to kill me because if you let me go I am definitely going to the police"

This big mouth is going to get me killed

"that is the exact attitude that is making me second guess"

Its official. I'm dead

"where are you taking me?"

We have been driving and my ass is killing me. She must be tired of driving, wait, why the fuck am I thinking of her well being.

"you'll see when we get there, oh wait, you'll be knocked out before we get there"

How can she say that with so much calmness in her voice? I keep forgetting that she's a criminal. Oh lord if you let me live I promise to never bother my sister again. I'll wash the dishes without being told. I'll be kind to my brother I'll do my homework...

"we are almost there. And unfortunately for you its nap time"

"nap time? What am I 12? You're not my father...ouch... what did you do to me?"

I feel so weak... God is it night time already? I feel so dizzy...

"you poisoned me you bu...

Before I can finish my sentence I'm enveloped by darkness.

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