chapter 17

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Desirée’s point of view

Stares. Eyes. Whispers. Pointing. Laughing. That’s what I’ve been accustomed to for the past week. People are always staring, others laughing and most of them stare, laugh and point at us. It’s been hard, well not as hard as I thought it would be.
Turns out, we’re actually not, surprisingly, the only LGBTQ couple, some of our teachers are too. So what exactly makes it hard? Well first off, my friends are kind of Pissed at me because apparently all this time I’ve been hiding it from all this Time, even though I swore to them that I only just found out. Secondly, Janelle and Her goons  have made it their lives mission to torment us, well mostly me because Alex doesn’t Really give a shit and last but not  Least, I fear what will happen when my parents find out and I Say when because I know that my brother will eventually blurt it out as he can’t keep a secret To save his life and unfortunately because we go to the same school.

Alex has been very very...Alex. acting as though nothing is going on. As if everything is normal. She’s talking to people who are being mean to us as though they are friends. They’ll say something mean and she’ll reply with respect and kindness. She seems so unaffected and I don’t why. Most of my time this week has been spent on crying.

I can’t take it as good as she can. My life is changing, not too much compared to how it was before but my routines are all messed up. I now have a girlfriend, my friends are pissed at me and now I have more attention on me than I wished for.

“it’s going to be okay” Alex Whispers In my ear as we head through the school doors. “don’t mind them, they’re stupid and closed minded and plus, majority of them actually don’t give a shit about it” she says as she drapes her arm over my shoulder, flipping some people the bird, earning groans and laughs from various people.

I don’t understand how she can be so chilled, but I’m hoping I can get some of her enthusiasm. Since she has gotten into this school I’ve noticed that her behaviour has become somewhat childlike, as though she is finally experiencing her childhood. This actually makes me happy as it gives me a chance to get to know her. The real her, the person she is inside.

As we pass through the throng of people I notice that we have reached the maths classroom and my heart rate speeds up.

“As long as you refuse my proposal, you will never ever pass this class”

I feel hot, very hot. I hate this class with everything in me.

“It’s very easy Desirée, just do as I say and no one has to know about this”

“I’ll report you to the principal”

“And everyone will know what a slut you are”

Fear. Dread and anxiety consume my body as we pass the door of the maths class and I breathe a sigh of relief but my happiness is short-lived when the door opens behind us.

“Miss Lopez, a word please” he says in his demanding tone. A tone I hate with a passion .

“Sure thing sir” I say as I remove Alex’s arm from over my shoulder and turn to face her “please wait for me?” I plead, hoping she can read the look on my face.

“Babe, I’ll be late for calculus class and you know Janelle and I got somethings to sort out. I’ve got to put that bitch in her place” she says as she kisses my forward and turns to walk away and throws a peace sign.

“what a girlfriend. Well let’s talk shall we?” he says as he ushers me into the empty classroom. With a heavy sigh, I head into the classroom hoping that someone saves me from this beast.

Alex’s point of view

It’s break time right now and I’m yet to catch a glimpse of my princess. She didn’t show up for the English and chemistry classes and I’m getting kind of worried.

Thoughts of her getting taken by the scorpions for real this invade my head but I’m certain that Antonio and the guys outside would have informed me about any possible dangers.

“hey, have you seen Desi?” I ask Donald, one of Desi’s five friends. Donald is a funny guy, always cracking jokes especially the inappropriate ones.

“Nope” he replies, popping the ‘p’ whilst rolling his eyes at me. I guess he’s still mad at me.

“I saw her in the toilet and she doesn’t seem to be in a good mood” says Annalise. The oldest of the five friends

“Not in a good mood, what does that mean?” I ask with a slight worry in my voice.

“It looked like she was crying and when I tried to ask her what was wrong she snapped at me, so I left. I think it’s best that you...

Before she can finish that sentence, I’m already out the cafeteria as I sprint to the toilet, barging in to find two girls fixing their make up.

“get out” I say in a threatening voice, causing the both of them to scram as if I’m the devil. Well, if only they knew.

“Baby?” I call out as I stand in front of the mirrors and face the bathroom stalls, not seeing any signs of a person occupying any of them until I hear a sniffle, then another and another.

“Baby please open up” I plead as I knock on the middle stall’s door.

“please baby”

“Leave me alone” she replies in a low voice. A sad voice confirming that she was indeed crying.

“I’m not leaving until you open up” I bang my hands against the door very hard in an irritating pattern.

“stop it”

I bang louder.

“Stop it”

I bang even louder.

“I said fucken stop it” she shouts as she finally opens the door and I’m struck with her red and teary face.

Now I don’t know what happened, but one thing is for sure and that is somebody’s dying today.

I’m taken out of my shocked state when she hugs me tight and cries on my shoulder.

“shhh baby it’s okay” I coo as I stroke her hair softly and tenderly kiss her forehead “it’s going to be okay I promise you”

Someone is going to pay. Someone is going to answer for this. I don’t care if it’s one of the students or even her own friends, whoever did this is going to have to answer to me.

“talk to me, please” I say as I gently cup her face and turn her head so she is facing me “who did this, what happened?”

“Its uh...uh... it’s” she struggles to speak in between her sniffles and gasps.

“It’s who, baby? I need a name. Please give me a name” I keep pleading with her as I wipe the tears on her face.

“it’s Mr Danes” say what now? “Mr Danes is the one”.

There must either be two Mr Danes in this school or we’re going to need a new Maths teacher.

“what did he do to you baby?” I ask impatiently, hoping that he didn’t touch her.

“he touched me and he hurt me” oh fuck no.

This school’s about to need a new teacher very soon.

No one messes with my queen and lives to get away with it. No one.

“Okay baby. Tell me what happened”

I guess the Angel of Death is back in business.

The untamableOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz