Chapters 60 - 63

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Chapter 60

Rhun adjusted the pieces of steel armor he wore as he walked across the desert ground. Heat and the necessity for speed made anything but the most essential pieces of armor irrelevant. Rhun’s choice of protections was simple. A large shield, a spear for offense and dark steel grieves and shin guards.

His city had discovered that the ticker’s energy blasts were specifically geared toward evaporating flesh and destroying brick and mortar masonry. Scientists in his previous city had found a combination of metals that would withstand an energy blast from a ticker. Rhun now only wished he had more shields to go around, thirteen would not be near enough.

Wishes soon cleared from his mind as a shadow stirred across the desert to his right. He paused. The caravan of people moved on behind him as he focused through the darkness. There it was. No red light, not a ticker, a person.

Lierna’s sleek form came into view only seconds later. The woman stopped short of Rhun with an easy smile. “Well, would you like the good news or the bad news?”

Without hesitation Rhun answered, “The bad news first.”

“We have spotted tickers in the area. They are in great number roaming the desert. More than I have ever seen.”

       Rhun didn’t flinch. This is what he expected. “And the good news?”

“For whatever reason they seem content to stay out of our way. Even when one of our scouting parties was spotted the tickers let them be and moved along. They have never acted like that in the past. What do you believe they are planning?”

“I think they are doing the same thing I would. Whether someone is controlling them directly or they are capable of this on their own is no matter. They are waiting for us.”

Despite the lighting Rhun could see Lierna’s face distort in confusion. “Waiting for us? Where? How do you know this?”

“They’ll mass and in force wait for us at the city gates. I know this because that is what I would do. Gather your numbers and let the enemy come to you.”


Chapter 61

“This is ridiculous. We should be out practicing with the items I fabricated, not worrying about soap and bubbles.”

Jordan smiled as she examined the weapons that promised an equal playing field next time they encountered the machines. Jordan rested her back against a wall and stretched her sore neck. “Leopold, trust me you needed it. Ten minutes of cleaning won’t kill you.”

“It might!”

Jordan smiled to herself. She had decided Leopold was crazy. Despite this she was growing to like him. Against his pleas, Jordan insisted he take a bath. Using water from the city’s reserves and a chipped drum from a different house, they fashioned a makeshift tub in the once secret room reserved for the Codex.

“There, I feel like a soaked sponge.” Leopold came out from within the vault with damp hair and the new clothes Jordan found for him. His hair and beard were still much too long but he was clean. The stench was gone and Jordan was actually able to see the color of his skin.

       Jerrick and Alice were walking through the door as Leopold made his début appearance. “Wow,” Alice said stopping in her tracks. “Is that you, Leopold? You look like a different man.”

       “Yeah,” Jerrick said, “With a haircut and a shave you’ll be the best looking bachelor in the city.”

       Jordan witnessed Leopold’s frustration melt. His eyes transitioned from irritation to shyness as he grinned like a bashful child. “Oh, well thanks, guys. It was Jordan’s idea but—I guess I do feel better.”

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