Chapter 2

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Jordan was still too enthusiastic about her turn of events to give the invitation too much thought. “Yes, sir. I’ll be there.”

The Director nodded, “Good, I’ll send a vehicle to pick you up from your housing facility say six o’clock, after work?”

Jordan was stunned but could feel her self-nodding. Vehicles were only used by high-ranking officials or as a means to travel from the city to the surrounding wall. If anyone else in the city needed to go anywhere, they would walk.

Jordan left the review room. She passed the guards outside that she didn’t know with a wave. Their rigid stance and stern demeanors didn’t change but nothing was going to ruin Jordan’s day.

You did it! You really did it! All those years of hard work.

Jordan’s legs continued to walk to the large building with the words “Physical Education Department”written on top. The joy of the promotion was overwhelming. Ideas for how she could enhance the way the department was run sped through her mind.

She had the autonomy now to implement her own ideas. For years she had seen ways to promote production, in the department but her suggestions were always met with, “thank you’s” and “We’ll take it under advisement” instead of action.

Now she was going to be the one running the department. The responsibility would have been daunting to anyone else but Jordan was ready for the challenge.

The day was warm and Jordan soon found herself jogging past the open green parks and tall buildings beside her. She was too excited to walk. Coming straight from work she was still in her exercise clothes; black tank top, long athletic pants that hugged her body and running shoes.

Ponytail bobbing behind her, Jordan arrived at her building a few minutes later. It was only as she was reaching to open the large glass door that she was reminded of the events that preceded her own good news.

There was a group of grey suited men and women at the front counter checking in with the receptionist. The suits, the lack of smiles throughout the group made them easily recognizable as transition counselors.

Transition counselors where the men and women the city used to meet with employees after someone had been relieved of their duties. It was mandatory that each and every employee would sit through an hour long meeting with a counselor to ensure that they were aware of why the employee had been let go and were on the same page as the city.

Jordan took in a deep breath, slowly letting it out as she wiped off perspiration from her face. It wouldn’t be a great first impression if the new head of the physical education department entered the office full of sweat.

Examining her reflection in the glass door for a split second before she entered Jordan was happy with her appearance.

She walked in greeted with the cool fans of the air conditioning units that ran diligently throughout the day. Every eye in the room turned her way. Both men and women looked her up and down.

The looks they gave her reminded Jordan of when she poured liquid in a measuring cup and examined the fluid to see if she had poured too much or too little. Jordan wasn’t sure if it was from the cool air or the gaze of the transition counselors that made her skin prickle.

“Oh, Jordan,” Kelly, the receptionist, said around her headset. “Let me be the first to congratulate you on your new position. You definitely deserve it, sweetie.”

Jordan stopped eyeing the group of counselors and turned to Kelly. “Thanks, Kelly. It was a surprise but couldn’t have been a better one.”

Kelly smiled again and nodded toward the counselors. “I’m arranging meetings between the transition counselors and the rest of the staff now. Counselor Carter herself just checked in. She personally requested to meet with you. She’s waiting in Rober—in your office now.”

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