Chapters 68 - 71

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Chapter 68

Rhun refused to let his life end while taking shelter behind a shield. Since the move to the defensive posture of a circle, two more shield barriers had fallen prey to the unrelenting force of the energy cannons. Their circle was growing smaller with each passing minute.

“Rhun,” Argo shouted over the clamor of clicking. Rhun saved his breath for shouting commands and encouragements. Instead of a verbal acknowledgment he turned his head and motioned with his chin. “We’re out of stones and javelins. What are our orders?”

Rhun could see two things in the young warrior’s eyes. A quick glance to his right were Lierna clenched her jaw confirmed what all his warriors were feeling. Fear of their inevitable end against the machines was undeniable. However, a firm resolve in the need for their sacrifice was pushing them forward. The heat that emanated off Rhun’s shield was growing. A few more minutes and either they would need to abandon shields from the warmth or more of them would buckle under the constant pressure of the energy beams. Either way, they had one move left to make.

Rhun was beyond exhausted. His body numb, defeat eminent, Rhun forced his voice to ring out loud and strong. “Hear me! When I give the command we charge. They will not take us crouching behind shield and steel. Our sacrifice has guaranteed the future of a free city. Now, let’s show these machines how firm our resolve truly is!”

Rhun was seconds away from ordering the attack. Suddenly the barrage of battering energy stopped. The consistent hammering of energy against steel that had been constant since the beginning of the engagement ceased. Rhun still couldn’t feel his arm but the pressure against his body ended. Shouts of battle met his ears.

Despite their situation, a smile crept over Rhun’s grim expression. He knew Ward had made it to the city. No matter what happened now they had succeeded. The battle was already won. Whether he lived or not those who had died that day, the sacrifice they made would not be in vain.

A quick glance over his heated shield confirmed what he already knew to be true. The remaining warriors from their city had out flanked the machines and now attacked from the enemy’s rear. Rhun rose to shaky feet as his lungs filled with air. “One last time! Our brother and sisters need our help!”

Chapter 69

Pain echoed inside her right shoulder as she fired blast after blast into the mass of swirling black cubes. The only time she hesitated was when she feared for the safety of one of the warriors fighting among the robots.

Her shoulder was jarred roughly time and time again yet the pain dulled in comparison to the emotion she felt. Here were men and women from every different city. Together they were sacrificing for one another. Jordan couldn’t comprehend the extent of their selflessness at the moment, but she promised herself she would never forget the feeling.

When Ward and his men first attacked and Rhun had also charged forward with his group, it seemed as though they had a chance. Now as the machines adjusted to meet the new assault, the odds skewed back in their favor. Jordan along with Lepold, Jerrick and Alice were keeping up a steady rate of fire. Struck by their own weapons now in their enemy’s hands, dark cubes crashed to the desert ground never to move again.

Even at this range and while firing her blaster Jordan was in awe of the warriors on the battlefield. Men and women jumped, twisted and slid from in between bolts of crackling blue energy. Swords, axes, clubs and other weapons from different cities were wielded expertly, each branded like a tool with one purpose, to find the red eye on each ticker.

A blast directed from one of her advisories to her hole woke Jordan from her trance. The clickers had finally realized they were being fired on amidst the chaos of the battle and were seeking out the origin of the enemy barrage.

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