Chapters 36 - 39

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Chapter 36

She could hear the group talking behind her. Jerrick and Owen’s voices traveled to her ears. She wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying. She was struggling with what to tell them.

Still in the back of her mind, and pushing its way to the front, was her friend. She had seen Buie being beaten just outside the physical education building. Where had they taken him? Had they kept him for questioning? Had they already released him outside the Wall?

The Director’s voice tore through her thoughts for her friend. The information he had given her, his eyes, he wasn’t lying. This was some kind of cruel test to see who was the apex society. She had a responsibility to share the truth with the people who now shared her same fate, but was now the time?

Jerrick’s voice faded. She could hear the shuffle of feet approaching. Jerrick appeared by her side.  “Ready to get moving? We have a plan, Jordan, don’t worry.”

Jordan fell in step next to her friend. “There’s more, Jer. Before I was taken into the room with the rest of you, the Director told me things. He filled in some of the gaps about where our city originated and where we’re headed.”

Jerrick remained silent. The steady buzzing of the Wall’s electric grid fading in the background was the only thing that could be heard over steady footfalls.

“He said that we aren’t the only city. He said we aren’t alone.”

Jerrick stopped mid step turning to Jordan one of a hundred questions on the edge of his lips.

“Stop!”  Owen’s voice yelled from the front of the line. The Wall’s grid was silent now. Darkness was the only thing that filled the air around them. “Whoever you are stop now!”

Jordan tore her eyes away from Jerrick and pushed her way to the front of the human convoy. She leaned forward and peered into the night. A small figure was falling more than running in their direction.

Hope once again formed in Jordan’s heart. The figure stumbled closer. Owen tensed beside her and leaned down to pick up a rock. Jordan instinctively caught his arm. “It’s okay, I think—I think it’s Buie.”

Seconds passed as the figure came closer. Soon Jordan could make out her friend’s short frame and even hear the sound of sneezing as he came closer.

Throwing caution to the wind Jordan took off at a run. She could hear footsteps behind her as the others too ran to keep up. With or without them she was going. A smile cracked her lips as she received the first good piece of news all day. Buie was alive.

Every step took her closer.  Buie was only yards away.  As Jordan got closer her smile faded.  Something was wrong, there was a noise, a ticking noise. She shrugged it off as her imagination as she reached Buie.

Buie Lee collapsed in front of his friend. A combination of wheezes and gasps for air fought to be heard over sneezes. “Buie? Buie, it’s me. It’s Jordan. It’s okay.”

“No,” Buie gasped as he clawed his way to his hands and knees.

The ticking was getting closer.  Jordan knelt down to reassure her friend that he was safe. The ticking made her bite back her planned reassurance. More ticking was getting closer, a tapping noise that seemed to come from every direction at once. The noise reminded her of a pen being tapped on a metal table.

“Jordan, run. They’re everywhere.”

Jordan shook her head hearing but not believing her friend. “Buie, who?  What are you talking about?”

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