Ch 18: Fallout

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You got out the shower and walked to your bedroom, drying your wet hair with a towel as you searched for some pajamas. Sara was at work so you could freely walk around the apartment naked which was always a treat. You saw one of Flip's shirts laying across the chair by your desk. You smiled and grabbed it, wrapping it around your body as you hummed at the softness. You lifted the collar to your nose and inhaled. You felt butterflies in your stomach and chills down your spine as you closed your eyes and saw him.

The sound of your phone ringing snapped you back to reality. You walked over to your nightstand and bit your lip with a grin when you saw his name. You had saved his number under the pseudonym "Baby Daddy"; a homage to his nickname for you and your nickname for him.

"It's only been 10 hours, Zimmerman. Miss me, already?" you teased as you continued drying your hair with one hand.

He hesitated and you heard him swallow. "Hey. We need to talk."

He sounded different, you couldn't figure it out but his tone was unlike anything you've heard from him before.

"Okay. Everything alright?" you asked with concern.


"Listen... I ... -" Flip could barely even say what he needed to say. He shook his head and realized the faster he could do this, the better.

"We need to end things."

You paused and practically choked on your own saliva at his rashness. "What?"

"I can't do this anymore. I don't want to do this anymore." Flip's heart started to twist in his chest as he said it.

"Tell me you're joking." you said in complete and total shock.

"No. It's how I feel."

His voice still sounded different, void of any and all emotion. It's like he flipped a switch or something. Was this how he was when he shut off everything?

"Well... I don't believe you." you rebutted. Something was up, this wasn't the Flip you knew.

Flip scoffed at your response. You were making this difficult because of course you were. He knew he had to be meaner even if it killed him. He needed to get this over with.

"Look, it doesn't matter what you believe. This isn't working and I want out. Understand?"

You sat down on your bed, your breath was heavy now as anger began building.

"No... No. I don't understand. I was there earlier today, Flip. We had sex. You told me you loved me. So no... I don't fucking understand. Please explain yourself!" You were losing control and starting to raise your voice.

Flip paused at your reaction and said nothing.

This made you furious.

"Say it." you taunted him. "Say you don't love me."

You heard Flip's breath picking up and sounding heavier. How could he possibly not feel anything anymore, just out of nowhere? Did you miss something? Were you crazy?

"I don't love you." his voice was dark.

Heat rushed to your face as you felt your eyes stinging. You clenched your jaw as you held back a sob. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing you cry when he sounded so cold.

You waited for more. But he was silent.

You gripped your phone and launched it across the room watching it shatter when it hit the wall and crumbled to the floor. You cursed into the empty apartment. You tore the flannel from your body, throwing it to the other side of the room along with your phone. You grabbed your bathrobe and wrapped it around yourself as you felt your heart start to bleed. You crawled under the covers on your bed and wept into your pillow, squeezing it out of sheer anger.

Flip the Colleague [Flip Zimmerman]Where stories live. Discover now