chapter 3

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I walked for so long that my legs actually began to sting. I sat down on the the ground to rest, partly relieved that the feeling was back in my leg. After a few minutes, I struggled up and continued to drag myself down the hallway, willing my body to move. I continued down the corridor, as quickly as I could. I discovered that the light was coming from a small attic - style window, which was above a large set of oak double doors, which were covered in chains and padlocks, which was obviously locked. For the second time today, I was stuck picking at locks to try and get out of a situation. The chains would not budge. I got frustrated, and began banging my fists on the large doors, full of rage.

" going somewhere?" A raspy voice asked from behind, sarcasm clear in their tone.

Slowly, I turned my head to meet what I thought could only be my captor. A tall man, maybe six and a half foot, stood before me. He wore a long, black hoodie, cleverly hiding his face in it, and he kept to the shadows. I gasped at his somehow creepy appearance. An evil laugh escaped his lips.

"w- who are you?"I managed to stutter.

No doubt one of the people plotting to kill me, I thought to myself.

He said nothing.

He simply laughed at me.

"I dont think that you're in a posistion to ask any questions, are you?" He muttered, clearly amused with my fear.

"I dont want to have to hurt you, so just let me go, and we'll just forget all about it."

I said through gritted teeth, trying to keep myself calm. This wasn't an empty threat, either. I had taken taekwando for two and a half years, and I was already a black belt in it. The guy just stared at me for a few moments, as if he was deep in thought. Suddenly he burst out laughing, wildly, almost like a freaking hyena!

"What?!" I asked furiously. I could already feel the anger start to bubble up inside of me, like I was a bottle of coke that had just been shook and I was waiting for someone to blow my lid, make me explode.

This just made him laugh even harder. The parts of his face that I could see properly had now glne a deep red colour, as he doubled over, clutching his stomach, as many belts of insane laughter erupted from his mouth. He finally composed himself, before reaching up and pulling down his hood.

This dude looked unreal, like some sort of picture of perfection. He had long black hair that flowed down just past his shoulders, and chocolate brown eyes. There was not a single freckle, spot or dimple on his face. His skin was pastel white, his nose a little bump, his lips curved into what seemed almost like a permanent smirk. He had a stretcher in his ear, a nose ring and a lip ring. He looked so.. ghost like hut at the same time, like any normal punk/goth/emo teenager. As a dude myself, it killed me to think it, but that dude looked even better than me, and thats saying something, cos I'm fucking hot!

"Who are you?" I asked again, remembering my current pisistion.

"Me?" The man asked innocently , before laughing a cruel, wicked laugh.

"Well I'm a Death Angel," he stated boldly, the firm smirk returning to his lips.

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