💚💔I'll Find You Part 1👑💚

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Satan x GF Reader

Reaction to reader being banned from the Devildom.

(Y/N) = Your Name

(S/C) = Skin Colour

(GF) = Gender Fluid

Happy Birthday, Satan!

(Satan's P.O.V)

My eyes widened and my heart dropped. "W-What do you mean...?" I asked, pulling (Y/N) towards me. "As I said: a demon and a human cannot court and you two can't be trusted to not continue behind closed doors so we're sending (Y/N) back to the human world and it has been requested that Solomon cast a spell on them so that they can never come back here." It sounded like Diavolo continued talking after that, but everything went mute for me. "What do you mean I can't see them again?! You can't do that!" I was furious. How dare he try to separate (Y/N) and I! "Unfortunately, it's not my decision. If it were, I wouldn't do anything like this... Believe me..." He tried to reason. At this point, I had taken my demon form and tears were streaming down my face. I grabbed (Y/N) by their hand and ran out of the student council room and towards the House of Lamentation.

As soon as we arrived, I let go and sped off to my room. Just as I slammed the door shut behind me, I heard (Y/N) call for me "Satan!" but I ignored them completely. "I... I can't lose them... I can't live without them... I need them..." I began to sob even harder at the thought of my life without them. "Tan-Tan..." I heard (Y/N) call my nickname through the door. "Baby, can you open the door for me please?" they asked politely. I slowly approached the door and reached for the handle with shaking hands. I made the door ajar and (Y/N) walked in and I felt a soft pair of arms wrap around my neck and pull me down a bit. "It'll be ok. I promise..." they assured me as the embrace tightened. I placed my arms around their waist and bent down slightly to place my face at the crook of their neck. I silently wept as they attempted to sooth my cries. "One way or another... I'll definitely find you... No matter what happens... I promise you..." I said between sobs. "You can't! Who knows what Lucifer will do if he finds out you disobeyed Diavolo! I just don't want you to be hurt because of me..." I could feel their tears soak through my shirt and I felt terrible that I had made the love of my life cry. "I've got to try though, right?" I tried to sound optimistic but I'm not sure if they bought it. "I'm sorry kitten... I just can't bear the thought of never being able to see you again..."

(Y/N P.O.V)

The next day, I woke up with Satan holding me in his arms. His eyes were red and puffy which suggested that we cried ourselves to sleep in each other's arms, which was more or less the truth. I really didn't want to leave... but I didn't have a choice. My eyes began to tear up again and I buried my head in the jacket that he placed over me the night before but since I didn't want to wake him, I slipped into the bathroom with it a little while later. I looked in the mirror at my sorrow ridden face and sighed a bit. My eyes weren't as puffy as Satan's but they were definitely red so I decided to ask Asmo if I could borrow some concealer and that I was in his brother's room. Obviously, he went to the dirtiest possibility and asked if I needed it to cover some love bites to which I rolled my eyes and left him on read. When I heard him knock on the door, I quickly covered my face with a sleave of the blue jacket as they reached past my fingertips. I answered the door, took the concealer, thanked the strawberry-blond demon and shut the door fairly rapidly before retreating to the bathroom again. I always kept spare clothes in the blond demon's room for whenever I slept over, so I got changed.

Once I was done changing, I looked at myself in the mirror once again. The redness around my eyes hadn't gone down at all so I opened the concealer and put some under my eyes and a little but on my nose and my eyelids. Since I had forgotten to ask for a beauty blender, I blended it into my natural (S/C) skin tone with my finger and it looked pretty seamless if I do say so myself. I saw that Satan was still fast asleep, but I couldn't really blame him. 'All that crying must've tired him out...' I thought to myself. I sat next to him on the bed with my back resting against the headboard and placed his head on my lap while I gently stroked his blond locks. After a while though, he was woken up when Mammon burst through the door screaming "Why did my human need to cover up hickeys?!" to which he sleepily responded with "Because they're my human and my partner." "Tch..." Mammon glared before leaving once again.

"Good morning, Tan-Tan!" I smiled, trying not to burst into tears about what had to occur today. "Hey kitten. Wait, why do you look so-" he began before the realisation punched him in the face and he started bawling and hugging me as tight as he could. I stayed up crying much longer that Satan, so I was too exhausted to join him. After a good hour of non-stop weeping, we were called down to the student council room for me to say goodbye for good. He and I were the last to arrive as we dreaded what was to come. Asmo was the first to speak up "Satan! Your eyes are so red and puffy! I know how you feel but crying that much in one night is bad for your skin-" he hesitated to continue when he noticed that his brother was glaring daggers at him. He looked down, feeling contrition for irritating Satan when he already had so much to go through and stayed quiet for a while.

"(Y/N), come here if you will..." Barbatos ushered me over to where he, Diavolo and Solomon stood. I walked over, my gaze never leaving the ground in front of me. "Just... Get it over with..." I spoke with spite overtaking my voice. I saw them nod from the corner of my eye, then Solomon muttered something, and everything went white for a split second before returning to normal. "Once you enter the portal to the human world, you will never be permitted to return." He stated as a white entity appeared before me. I stepped in front of it and turned to face everyone. I looked up to meet their sorrow ridded faces "Goodbye everyone. I'll miss you all..." After my comment, I saw some tears escape from the eyes of some of them. "Satan." I called, startling him and causing his eyes to meet mine. "I love you..." I continued, moments before stepping backwards into the portal. My vision turned white again but for a bit longer this time then I appeared in my bedroom in the human world again...

1201 words

(A/N) If you spot any errors in it, please alert me about them Thanks for reading! Part 2 will come soon because this is for his birthday. I know I haven't done any birthday ones prior to this one but I want to start! If you have any requests, comment them either on this chapter or the one titled 'Requests'. Hope you enjoyed the fan fic! Have a good day because you deserve it! Bye, my lovelies!

-- Star-Chan

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