Chapter Five

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I wake up the next morning and get in the shower being careful not to wake Kasen up. I step in and pull the shower curtain back to cover myself. I let the warm water wash over me. After I'm done doing all the stuff people do in the shower I put my work uniform on and walk out, I see Kasen's already dressed and stuff. "Ready to go?" he asks me. I nod and we walk out to his car.He puts the key in the ignition and drives to Cammy's. She hops in the back seat. "So what did y'all talk about?" She asks with a slight smirk. I roll my eyes. "Well, we found out we were siblings..." Kasen starts. "REALLY?! THAT'S SO COOL!" She squeals. No one would of ever guessed she used to work at the Mental Hospital, or is 23...Yea she quit her job at the hospital.

We arrive at work and Thomas gets there at the same time. We get out of the car and Thomas opens the door for us. "Thank you." We say. Kasen goes back and tells the boss we're here and goes behind the grill. We all wait around a little while till customers start to show up. I recognize them as Thomas's friends from a few days ago. The walk up to the counter. They do know that they could sit down at a booth and order right? I shrug and smile. "Hello Welcome To Rick's Diner How May I help you today?" I ask using my polite voice. Dylan smiles. "Same as before." he tells me. I nod. I tell him how much it is and they go and sit down.

I go into the kitchen and start fixing the food. I finish and bring it to them. "Here ya guys go." They say thank you and I go back to the counter. "So ya think those jerks will show up?" She asks. I shrug. "No clue but they are a part of Jase's crew.." I say with a shiver and distant look. I clear the thought out of my mind and continue working. I grab a wash cloth and go over to a table to where a little girl spilled her juice. It won't come off. Ugh. "Need some help love?" Thomas asks noticing my struggle. "Uh.." I start but he's already slinging the cloth off his shoulder and scrubbing. "Thanks...again..." I say, He smiles at me causing me to smile. "Don't mention it love." He tells me and walks over to help another customer. Love? Nah he calls everyone's what all the British people call girls...right? Well why hasn't he called Cammy that before? I've just not been around to hear it. Okay I should probably stop having mental conversations with myself....

I walk back behind the counter and stand. Waitinggggggggggggggggggg. Cammy walks over to me and tells me it's my break time. I nod and walk in the back to grab my purse. I've not really took a break before... "I'm gonna go get a coffee." I tell her. She nods. "Aye love can I come with?" Thomas asks catching up with me. I look to Cammy for support and she giggles. "Uh sure.." I tell him. He smiles and walks out with me.


A/N: So these chapters are really short oh my gosh. But okay I'm trying to make them longer BUT CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT THE BLISS TEX COMMERCIAL? It says 'Flare' and 'Bliss' like oml I started i dont really know what I started doing but my aunt asked if I needed to see a yeah but ILY GUYS C:

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