Chapter Three

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I run inside the closet trying to hide from Jase. 'please don't find me. please don't find me.' i say in my head. ''Dally come on baby girl, I'm not gonna hurt you-''he says through the house. I see through the crack in the door he's in my room. i close my eyes and cover my mouth trying to keep the sobs in. Please.Don't.Open.The.Damn.Door. He opens the closet door and I scoot farther back into the closet. "I just want to play." He says sickly. He looks around the closet and don't see me.

/Flashback Over\

I wake up with sweat pouring down my face along with tears. I squeeze my eyes shut. Why did that have to come to me. Right when my life was starting to get better. I get up and go inside my bathroom. I see a razor laying on the counter from where I shaved my legs last night. I look at it and twirl it around in my hands. "Not today." I tell myself. I am 2 years clean since they wouldn't let me have sharp objects in the Hospital. I continue getting ready and pull my hair into a pony tail. Kasen pulls in the parking lot and I get in the back seat. "So, Rick gave Thomas the job." Cammy tells me. ''As Long as it ain't Jase." I tell her with a shrug. Kasen gives me a strange look. "Hey Dall, after work and we drop Cam off I'm taking you somewhere." he tells me. I nod. I don't know whether to be scared or... "hE Dallas you look like you've been crying...Are you okay?" Cammy asks looking at me.

"I just had a uh nightmare." I tell her. She looks at me. "Okay." she says. But anyways, I really hope they don't do something totally embarrassing in front of Thomas today. Not that I'd care anyway..uh..

We pull into the parking area and see Thomas is already here. Great. I sigh and Cammy smirks at me. SHEESH ENOUGH WITH THE DAMN SMIRKS.

We walk in and tell the boss we're here and start working. "Hey Dall, can you show Thomas everything, we're gonna be busy," Kasen says with a smile. I look at him and Cammy with a playful glare. "Sure." I tell them. They smile and continue their work. "Okay Thomas, so erm you know how to use a stove right?" I ask him trying to not sound awkward and nervous. He laughs. "Yeah, I do." He tells me. I smile and tell him all the other stuff blah blah blah boring stuff later..

"Well looks like you're all set and ready to go. If you need anything ask one of us," I tell him. He smiles and starts working. Cammy walks over to me. "So how'd it go?" "Better then I thought. But I'm still gonna get you guys back." I tell them with a smirk followed by an evil laugh which ends up sounding like a dying whale eating a horse on crack...

Thomas looks at me with humor in his eyes same as the other two. "UH..." I start but get cut off by them laughing. I turn a shade of red which causes them to laugh even harder. "You guys are seriously butts." I say laughing with them.

Like an hour later a large group of guys and a few girls walk in. I stand at the register since all the others are working either in the kitchen or serving customers. I look at the oh so familiar faces. Oh my gosh. No. Please. No. Let this be a dream. I look around for Cammy and see her back facing me as she takes a customers order. "No way! Dallas? Is that really you." Mae one of the fake sluts that made my life horrible says smacking her gum. One of the guys that bullied me named Adam also decides to speak up. "Dang baby you gotten hot. What happened during the hospital? They give you hot pills or something?" He smirks as the other guys high five him. "Uh-Um...A-are you gonna o-order or no-ot?" I ask my voice trembling. Adam laughs. "How bout we all get a slice of Dallas cake?" He smirks leaning over the bar and touching my face. Oh. My. Gosh. IF HE DON'T GET HIS NASTY LITTLE HANDS OFF MY FACE I WILL FREAKING CUT IT OFF. Don't show weakness. I tell myself. Before I know it Thomas is right next to me. "Is there a problem here?" He asks anger starting to fill his voice. "Ahaha problem? I don't see a problem. Just some slut not wanting to give me anything." Adam says looking at me then to Thomas. Thomas glares at Adam and his 'crew'. "Get your hands off her." He tells him. "Or what? Wittle noodle arms gonna smack me?" He asks in a baby voice. "I'm gonna be the better person and ask you politely to leave or I will have the cops remove you." He says. "I'd rather stay," "Leave now. And by the way, she's not a slut. And at least she isn't some cake faced barbie doll." Thomas says the anger clear in his voice. Kasen and Cammy walk up after there customers leave. "Sir, he asked you to leave." Kasen says. Adam and his gang glare at us and walk out. "T-Thanks." I whisper quietly. He nods and gives me a small smile. "Are you okay?" Cammy asks me pulling me into the break room. I nod. "Yeah, if Thomas wasn't there who knows what would of happened." I tell her with a small smile. She pulls me into a hug. "See, he isn't so bad now is he?" I laugh and shake my head. "Whatever. lets just get back to work." I tell her and we walk back to our stations.


A/N: OKAY HEY MUNCHKINS. SO YEAH THESE CHAPTERS ARE SO SHORT LIKE FR. BUT OH WELL. So i was video chatting my internet bestfriend today and my nana thought she was like 9 XD

But I seriously wanna smack half-most the kids at school im like CAN I HIT U IN THE FACE WITH A FRYPAN?!

But yaaaaaa....Okay so enjoy love y'all c:


MY aunt is a butt xD

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