Chapter Four

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After the incident earlier today Thomas has been by my side and rarely left. He is a really caring person. "So do you need a ride?" Kasen asks. "Nah, I'm fine I have my car." He tells us. "Okay well if you need any thing then just call." Cammy says handing him all our numbers. He smiles and thanks us.

We get in Kasen's car and he drops off Cammy. "So where do you want to go to talk?" I ask him. "Anywhere's fine." He replies. I nod. We pull into my parking lot to the apartments and he turns off the car. "Okay. So I'm just gonna come flat out and say it...I think we're brother and sister." he tells me. "W-What? How?" I ask him. ''Well I lived with my aunt and later found out my mom had died. I know I had a sister 2 years younger then me that I used to live with until our dad started abusing all 3 of us and never saw any of them again, and your mom died and your dad abused you right? And we have the same last name..?" He asks me. Oh my gosh. Tears well up in my eyes. Mom's death. ''How did your mom die?" I whisper. "My aunt said she was murdered.." He says. "Uh.." I start but start full on sobbing. "It was me. They told me I killed her. I didn't mean too I promise!" I say through sobs. He looks at me. "No sissy! It wasn't your fault okay? I promise." He tells me hugging me. I shake my head. "They said the gun was in my hand!" I tell him. He shakes his head. ''No, come on. Lets go inside and make some dinner okay?" He tells me. I nod and he helps me out of the car.

We go inside and he pulls out the stuff to make chicken. "I'll get the potatoes." I tell him. He nods. We make the food and sit down to eat. "This is really good." I tell him. He smiles. "Yeah! " He mumbles through a mouth full of food. I laugh at him. "So Wonder how Cam's gonna take us being siblings?" He asks. "Dunno, hopefully well." I tell her. He nods. "But I was serious if Thomas hurts you somehow. We can't have another mishap like with Jase. I will cut his hand off." He says. I nod pretending to be scared. He laughs. "Well it's getting late, I should probably be getting to sleep." I tell him. He nods. I guess he's staying tonight because he falls asleep on the couch.



Okay so why is alot of my authors notes in caps locks. LIKE WHY NICOLE WHY ?!?!

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