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Leila slapped Zach with as much force as she could muster. Zach broke into a childlike smile, looking thoroughly pleased with himself, his beautiful pearl white teeth showing in full view.

"Zach. Williams. Don't. EVER. Do that AGAIN !" Leila said, slapping him hard again with every word she spoke

"And STOP smiling like that !" she added, shocked to see the size of his grin

"I know I know sor-sorry" he said gleefully "...okay. To be honest, I'm not really sorry ...but wow......I just have to say you're..... you're incredibly soft everywhere" Zach said with amusement staring at Leila as though he had never seen her before.

"I'm MARRIED for goodness sake ! IDIOT !" Leila yelled angrily

"Well technically you're married to me" Zach said sarcastically winking at Leila

"what?" Leila stared at him bewildered

"You're married to Xavier" His voice trailed off

"I married Cut Throat" Leila shouted at him, "now open the damn door !" trying her best to sound threatening, knowing if he didn't there wasn't much she could do.

Zach didn't move, "....i can't make any promises ...Wifey" Zach said winking coming closer to her again,

"Stop It !" Leila said, mustering up all of her strength she pushed him away from her. "This isn't YOU ZACH !" she yelled again, rubbing her lips feeling hurt

"Except ..It is" Zach said, his eyes full of emotion looking at Leila hungrily

"You're not like this're're my..." Leila replied unable to finish her sentence

"don't say 'friend' please" Zach said, laughing,

Leila kept quiet

"Have I ever accepted that title? On the contrary...did I not always tell you.....don't draw the line, I WILL cross it..." Zach said slowly

Leila stared at him without replying,

"What's happening to you...?" Leila asked confused her voice getting softer, she stared at her friend, before taking her hand and gently placing it on his face, remembering how a few minutes ago the eyes had turned pitch black, Zach closed his eyes at her touch "Don't touch me Leila are only sending me mixed signals"

"Why did your eyes change like that...what's happening? What have they done to you...?" Leila asked slowly.

Zach didn't reply, his eyes still closed at her touch, before opening them slowly, he smiled his maniac smile again

"They have weaponized us ..." Zach said slowly smiling

Leila stared at him in horror, not understanding him "what does that mean?" she asked slowly

"It means there is no human who can stop me now Leila...not even Cut Throat, no matter how good he is..." he replied seriously, Leila stared in shock at Zach, his serious face, broke into a boyish grin

"Anyways on the bright side, you can always save Cut Throat if you want to............" Zach said with a wink.

"What does that mean..."

"You just have to come to me...and I can save him..." He whispered in her ear, while opening the door.

Leila's heart was still palpitating, without turning back to look at Zach one last time, she sprinted out looking for Cut Throat.


Princess stood staring through the infirmary window looking at Leila who sat on the bed, she was giving Xavier a cold compress. She hadn't left his bedside since the day he was brought to the hospital. The doctor had given them hope though. He said that Xavier's head injury could have been critical but he was lucky enough to have escaped with a fracture.

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