Chapter 4: Pitiful

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*Prelude.....12 years ago*

Zacky and Xavier were playing catchers, in the south west wing of the Williams mansion. "Zacky, come find me....!" Xavier said, as he rushed through the rain forest type of interior of the Williams mansion, he rushed into one of the Studies, turning around and smiling at Zacky, who had a play gun in his hand "doof doof doof...." He said, while hiding in an ancient looking cupboard, there was a small peep hole which gave him the perfect view from where Zacky would come from.

But Xavier heard Luther Williams walking before he saw him, the sound of his walking cane making a distinct noise in the corridors of Williams mansion. Xavier got scared , realizing that Zacky would bump into him, he heard Zacky shouting "Xavi....doof going to shoot you.....!" Xavier rushed out of the cupboard he was hiding in, rushing to his best friend, but he found Zacky already staring up in fear at his father.

Luther Williams had stopped, his walking cane in front of him, he had dark glasses on his face to hide his eyes. He was a handsome elderly man, "Zacky is that you...?" he said quietly, smiling looking randomly around, holding his hand out waiting for Zacky to grab it.

"It's me father....." Zacky said slowly... Xavier could see Zacky was shaking in fear..

"Great....walk the study...." His father replied, feeling the wall with his hand, while the other was being held by Zacky...

Xavier silently rushed to Zacky's side, and grabbed his other free hand, so that he could escort Zacky and Mr. Williams, he put his hand to Zacky's ear and slowly whispered "I'll walk with you Zacky....."

They walked till they reached the study, Luther Williams pushed the door open with his cane, feeling the room around with his stick, till it bumped into a seat, "Thank you Zacky, you can leave I'm expecting a guest..." he said, folding up his walking stick and placing it next to him on the seat.

Zach and Xavier walked out quietly, without making a noise.

"Let's play catcher again Zacky !" Xavier said light heartedly, turning around zacky nodded his head in excitement.

Xavier started running around again, and decided to hide behind a big beautiful tree in the garden of the Williams mansion

"Catch me if you can Zacky !" he screamed out loud, but just then stopped when he heard a piercing scream coming out from the floor where they had just left Luther Williams, the scream sent a shrill down Xavier's back and made the hairs on his hand rise, what was going on?

He came out of the hiding, running around to look for his friend, finally he came to find Clifford rubbing Zacky's bag, Zack was sitting in an awkward position going back and forth with his hands placed above his ears. He was clearly distraught

"There ...there now young are going to alright...." Clifford said gently, rubbing his back slowly

"Hey Zacky are you okay?" Xavier said, bending down to Zack, Zack stopped moving back and forward , turning around

"Heya Xavi ! When did ya get here?" Zacky said, Clifford and Xavier stared at each other in horror...


"Get your hands off of my wife !" an impressive looking man yelled. He was stunningly handsome, with a set of deep dark eyes. If the Widow didn't know any better, she would easily mistake him for the mafia. He had a remarkable figure, just like Zach, well-built physique which showed signs of excellent training. He had tattoos all across his neck and part of his face. Sizing him up, The Widow came to the conclusion this man was someone to keep an eye out for ...he could potentially be dangerous.

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