Chapter 2: The Widow

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It was no secret. The whole entire Royal High School had found out about Xavier Johnston's wedding to Leila Adams. From the schools board of directors, the trust fund committee, the teachers rooms, the janitors and of course ...the classroom.

Some were in denial, some were in disbelief and others were plain angry. Out of the whole pool of available candidates, why the beggar girl?

"I heard from a close associate of mine that there was no prenup signed" Alicia said, while Pearl and Oliya listened in

"What ! way ! .........I heard their family lawyer makes super air tight prenups, that is literally his speciality....and he charges a hefty fee.......i mean why would Xavier in thee Xavier Johnston get married without a prenup...that just doesn't make any sense...?! " Oliya replied. They both in turn looked at their friend Pearl. Out of all the hopeful girls at Royal high, she had taken the news the worst. She was sick for a couple of weeks and was off from school.

Even when Oliya and Alicia went to visit her they were under strict instructions from Pearl's mother not to mention the name Xavier Johnston near her.

Pearl still showed signs of being sick, there were dark circles under her eyes, and her face that was often times full with pride and contempt showed defeat. Her eyes dragged up to the empty seats of Xavier, Nico, Taylor and Zach Williams. She then turned to look down, at the desk where she once wrote the words "Slut and whore" onto Leila's desk. The words were still there, but the desk was empty.........

"So no one has heard from them.......?" Alicia asked, following Pearls eyes

" one knows where they are......not even Zach" Pearl replied sombrely,

"Maybe they are in prison again?" Oliya said

"Yeah.....just like last time?"

" such as Xavier or Zach going to prison, wouldn't have been kept a secret for long........people are very sensitive to scandals.....and they are no different..." Pearl said, as she threw the newspaper onto the table carelessly. There was a photo of a beautiful looking girl next to young man with a handsome face, his dark menacing eyes shining even through the stillness of the photo

The headline read "Couple goals.......Mr Johnston and his new beau"


He found her in a cage, tied with a metal clasp around her neck. Her hair unkempt and patchy, she looked really dirty. Zach could tell she was a good looking girl, but obvious signs of hardships shown across her face. She looked malnourished and weak, but even with that, he could sense her blood thirst through her metal clasps....he had found her at last...the highly recommended Eliana...more well known as the Widow...he smiled wickedly, staring down at the pitiful site...


The Widow could see a young man dressed in all black. He had a black cap on his head; she couldn't get a good view of his face. But through his physique she could make out a well-trained masculine body. Behind was a much younger boy, who had a big fluffy head full of curly hair. What a pathetic joke...she would take down the curly haired kid in a second...but she wasn't too sure about the stronger looking one..

"Open the locks..." the young man dressed in black said to his accomplice, the curly haired kid, bent down, getting a set of keys out of the pocket, and started turning them around, putting them carefully into the lock to open the door.

Should she kill the kid ? She was weak she hadn't eaten or had any water to drink in days. She barely had energy to keep her eyes open , she could feel her cracked and salty lips paining as she stretched into a smile looking into the eyes of the kid. She meant to intimidate him, but to her surprise he smiled at her, and made a hand gesture like she should get out of the small cage. The Widow turned to look at the tall young man who was dressed in black, he looked too strong for her, she definitely wouldn't be able to take him on, at least not yet....

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