Chapter 1: MFKN BEAST

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Skinner was worried about Cut Throat, it had been a month now, and repeatedly their training sessions weren't going as he had planned. It was as if there was a block on Cut Throat...and he was just unable to find out exactly what was causing this block.

"Princess, we need to figure this out .....And figure this out fast...." Skinner said, throwing his papers to Princess on the desk. There were the readings and data from the months training session of Cut Throat.

Princess bowed his head down as he started analyzing the data......

"Oh no......what could be going on...?" Princess said curiously, staring at the figures, all the data showed that Cut Throat was slower than usual, and his accuracy was also starting to decline.

"Look Princess, let me be frank with you..."Skinner said

"Yes please do...."

" Think of me more like a coach, I know my team, I know my best players, I know what works for them, I also can immediately pick up when something is wrong................."


"Listen, something is going on up here," Skinner said pointing at his head, "He is on top shape...but I don't know what it is..........he isn't fully committed to his training...and its showing ......I need you to figure this out , and give me back my Cut Throat....." Skinner said. The desperation was clear in his voice.

Princess stared down looking worried, now more than ever, with the fight they have ahead of them...he needed Cut Throat to perform better than he ever had.....


Xavier couldn't sleep, he was staring at his wife, she was really starting to bring out an untamable animal inside of him. Leila was sleeping a mere foot apart from him, but he knew he had a bigger barrier to break through.

But for tonight he would find content simply staring at his wife. He really can't be blamed, her beauty was driving him insane.

The things I would do to you..........His mind was drifting far away...

He groaned, she turned her hips a bit, the dress was protruding again, his hands shivered, he wanted to touch her...........

He stared at the beauty that was Leila, the strap on her shoulder had fallen off. He slowly and gently placed his face in the bridge of her collar bone, and smelled her. Closing his eyes, he wanted to get lost in her scent......he wanted to get lost in her curves.

He opened his eyes, to see Leila's eyes were wide open, staring at him with fear.......

"'re awake......" He said

"wha-wha-what are you doing......?" she replied in a scared whisper But Xavier wasn't coherent, he was too close to his wife now, there she was again, bringing out the animal inside.

"I want you Leila....." He said with conviction staring at her,

"You're beauty is driving me crazy......I'm ........I'm having a hard time with this....." he said roughly grabbing on her silk dress, Leila gasped as he tugged at it roughly,

"What ........what do you mean...." Leila asked, but her skin growing a deep pink, Xavier knew she was being coy. Did she really think he was going to try something?

IF he were going to do something , wouldn't he have already done it by now? Like it wouldn't be the easiest thing in the world to do........and off course who would ask him ....who would ask what 2 people who are married do...?

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