Chapter 7 "The broken queen"

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You can't truly have everything in life, the choice has to be wisely. It's a conflicted situation when you have to choose your destiny. We don't truly know the meaning of a sacrifice. Will it be worth it? Will you be happy in the process of it? Regina didn't have too much time to think about that. The clock was ticking and her father's life was on thin line. The shattered pieces of her heart crumbled and thunder rumbled as she made her way into the woods to look for swan. The sun was up and swan waited for regina in the spot they agreed, regina seemed to be taking long to get her or swan was just nervous. She sat enjoying the view of the sky her thoughts wondered about regina. Her life never had any meaning, she never thought she'd find a reason to fight in this life. The sound of the river flowing and singing birds had swan distracted and made her feel less nervous. Regina's a step away from swan she sees her sitting on the grass just like she would do. Regina takes a deep breathe, clears her throat and walks towards swan. The noise of breaking leaves makes swan turn around "regina!" Swan stands up and runs to hug regina. She notices there's something wrong as regina didn't return the hug. Swan steps back and sees that regina has no baggage with a her "where's your stuff your not bringing anything with you?" Swan chuckles ignoring her concerned thoughts. Regina puts her head down she can't look at swan while she prepares her lies "it's ok it's better like that with no baggage" swan grabs regina's hands "so i have everything planned, i got us a passage to a new round on a pirates ship" swan continues. Regina looks up at her "how did you get that" she murmured "I had some stuff I sold to the pirate to let us board his ship, I'll explain it to you later we have to go now" swan pulls regina's hand but then she stops as regina let's go of swans hand. Swan blanks out "what's wrong regina?" Her tone lowered and broke down "is this the life you have planned out for us swan?" Regina uses her fake angry voice "is this how were going to live? Running away in pirates ships to nowhere?" Swan looks confused she wasn't expecting this reaction from regina. Swans insecurities and doubts fulfill her mind, she didn't know how to answer regina's questions. Her eyes expressed fear as she tried to understand what was happening "I - I don't know, I didn't really think of that" swan stuttered "no you didn't swan!" Regina's voice raised louder "this is not the kind of life I want, living with peasants and.." swan interrupts regina "peasants?" Swans says offended "living day by day not knowing where to hide or if we will have food on our plates" regina feels it's not enough excuses so she adds one more "and if i runaway with you I will never become queen" regina's seriousness catches swan off guard. Was her throne really that important to her? Regina tries her best to make the lie feel real " if i go with you what will people say? What will people think?" She continues "I never thought those things were important to you" swan could feel her heart crumble into tiny pieces, regina's words hit her chest like arrows. Swan was definitely heartbroken but she was more upset than anything. How could she be so selfish? The pain was deep but swan let's her rage speak for her "did you ever even care about me? Why did you do all this if it never mattered to you?" Swans Infuriated tears can't be stopped her eyes filled with so much anger "it's not my fault your such a foolish and naive girl" regina showed no compassion for swan "now if you excuse me I'm going to become queen" regina turns her back at swan and as she walks she cries quietly and softly. Swan falls on her knees, breaks down crying she could drown in her own tears. How did swan believe everything regina said? She believed it because that's how her whole life has been. Swan had trouble trusting others she grew up with betrayals until she meet regina. She gave her hope that maybe someone could actually love and care about her but now she knows she was wrong. If only she'd seen it coming if only someone could have warned her. What lesson did she learn from this? "How did I ever think that someone could ever love me?" Swan reflected sorrow and misery as she stared down at the ground. The castle began to prepare for the royal wedding, invitations and gowns to work on. Regina and Robins wedding was just another arrangement, a planned or settlement as anyone would like to call it. All regina wanted was her father to get well, anything else was overwhelming. Cora was certainly the most pleased with this wedding, she had control over everything. The ball, the wedding gown, the arrangements anything she desired was accomplished it felt like it was more her wedding than reginas. It's time as the wedding bells ringed regina was in her room wearing her gorgeous white gown. Of course it had no meaning to her, it was more like a waste. Regina looked out at her window watching everyone arrive from above, she also looked at the trees she could almost see swan hiding in the woods. A shattered and broken heart can never be cured felt regina, there's no magic to cure such thing. How can she find her remedy? Regina decides to bury her feelings and dreams, she breaks apart the thought of her ever being happy. Her heart fills only with melancholy, she could never love someone like she loved swan. Regina takes all her thoughts and memories of swan and let's the trees take them "goodbye swan" she murmurs leaving behind her hopes but more importantly leaving her old self. Now it's time to be a queen, it's time for a new regina that will never love again.

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