Chapter 21 "A cursed heart"

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Taking back time your heart reflects what you've lived, it's dark when you've been hurt too much or its puré and red when you've only kept love and good inside it. A vulnerable heart that turned completely dark was the case of regina, her past reflected her heart and soul but things were about to change in a complete shock. The grounds crumbled like an earthquake and the birds flew away alarmed of the evil that approached "wait here" swan holds regina down hiding behind a tree. Rumple still holds regina's magic in a air bubble, as james was holding rumplestilskin dagger up to the sky "what are they doing?" Swan asked regina as they spied on them behind the tree. It appeared as james was performing a ritual "he's going to consume my powers and rumplestilskin" regina answered swan "what does that mean?" Swan says nervous "he's going to be the most powerful man ever". James holding the dagger towards sky commanding the forces of magic to empower him, a dark terrifying cloud builds up magically with electric thunder and strong winds. All rumplestilskin needed to do was send regina's magic towards the dagger and that's how james will absorbe regina's power and then he will kill rumplestilskin making james the dark one. The winds blew strong against the trees, the dark shades of the clouds and the electric thunder could scare any living person who were present in this ritual "regina you have to stop them". Swan has had some trouble in believing, regina has been the only true thing that has meaning for swan her beliefs aren't very promising but one thing is for sure she believes in regina more than anything. Swan looks at regina in her eyes "I know you can stop them" regina looks frightened "swan I can't, I don't have my magic" regina found her dark magic to be her solution for almost everything but now that she doesn't have it her fears strike back leaving her insecure and feeling pointless. The thunder stroked a tree that was next to swan and regina, they both run to another tree hiding "we need to get out of here or we'll die" regina yells "regina i asked you to believe in us and I'm asking you again, nothing in this world has ever made me more brave than you" swans eyes water up with tears "your love makes me the strongest person in this world, I need to know if it does the same to you?" Swans words make regina wonder "What does all that mean?" She thought. Of course swan made regina happy and loved but there was more than that. Swan gave regina hope, faith, strength, wisdom, bravery and much more all the answers she's needed had all led to swan. The only person who ever believed and saw the good in her was swan, regina had been requesting the same thing all her life something worth living for and it was right in front of her this whole time. The ritual was almost complete there was not much time left. Swan still waits for regina's answer "swan your the only thing I've ever cared about, you've make me be the person I want to be instead of the person I am" regina cries "nothing in my life has ever made sense until I meet you, of course I believe in you" regina answer fills swan with love, she smiles and holds both regina's hands. The moment was so pure and honest that a light appeared in regina's hands right when swan grabbed them. They both gasped surprised "what's happening?" Regina looks at her hands that light up with magic "it's our magic regina, it's our love". How did regina's magic come back? Rumplestilskin still had regina's magic in his power, things were still unclear but now was not the time to try and figure it out "go regina, you can do this" swans heartwarming smile gives regina bravery "yes I can" she agrees. Regina walks towards James and rumple "I won't let you get away with this" regina makes a fearless tone "I'm sorry dear but I think i already have" James laughed, regina's white magic lights up and attacks james sending him down to the ground letting go of the dagger. The thundering and wild wind's stop slowly as the ritual was interrupted "how did you-" rumplestilskin shocked of what he just witnessed "it appears I don't need dark magic and i will never need it again" regina smiles with victory. Regina sends james into the dungeon of swans castle locking him up where he will never hurt anyone else again. The people of swans kingdom could finally breathe in peace as there real problem was vanquished, James had everyone threatened and scared there lives where never normal with him around. Swan and regina find themselves in the garden of swans castle "is this supposed to be a garden?" Regina exclaimed as she observed the dead flowers and dried plants "you can arrange this garden how ever you love" swan giggles. Swan and regina sit on a bench that had a view of the sunset, a orange yellow stunning color that warmed both their hearts as they enjoyed every minute together. Holding her hand swan glazed at regina, the light of the sun hit her in the most perfect way reflecting the beauty of her eyes and red lips "what is it?" Regina asked as she caught her glaze "I can't help it wonder about what happened earlier" swan explained "about your evil uncle trying to take over the world and kill us?" Regina asked "no, about what you said to me in that moment". Regina immediately starts to blush "your adorable" swan makes regina blush even more her cheeks were so red she couldn't hide it. Swan takes out a book, regina's spell book "where did you find that?" Regina asked "rumplestilskin gave it to me" swan answered "why?" Swan opens the book and a page of the book had  sparkling glowing dark letters "it's your magic, it's in here" the spell book contained regina's magic that was taking away from her. Swan stares at the book with regina's magic "he said if you wanted it back he had it right here for you" swan hands the book to regina "I know your magic was important to you and i know how much you'd wanted it back" swan continued. The magic, regina's magic that was in the book was dark and it looked evil. Regina wonders off for a moment "that's it" she whispers "what's it?" Swan asked confused. Rumple was only able to take regina's dark magic, when she faced her mother and thought about how much she loved swan she discovered that white magic was inside her without her knowing it. She was able to defeat her mother and James because white magic is part of her "it just all makes sense now" regina puts on a wide smile from ear to ear "can you try to explain to me what's going on because I'm confused right now". The love swan and regina had for each other was so real and pure that it made regina realize she had white magic, she had all the answers all this time. Regina had so much good potential inside her she had never thought of this if it wasn't for swan "rumple only took my dark magic, that explains how I was able to stop james" regina explained. Swan looks downs at the book "so that's your dark magic?" She asked confused "I had the gift of magic all this time, it was white magic until it all went wrong and it turned black" regina continues. It takes regina some time to believe what she's finding out, her fears took the best of her in the worst possible way all her life she had the power to fight and have a better life with swan "so this dark magic was like a curse" swan follows up with a theory. Regina looks up at swan "your heart was cursed, it was never dark" swan smiles "you always had your magic but it was cursed to be dark now it's all gone and trapped in this spell book" swan continued. Swans theory makes a lot of sense, her life has been always torture and suffering maybe it was all just a curse "do you know how curses are broken?" Swan asked regina smiling "I would say that your making an excuse to kiss me" regina blushed and smiled back at swan "oh you caught me". Swans lips make their way to regina's as she softly brushed her fingers in regina's hair, their soft kiss warmed them even more than the bright sunset.  Swan steps back for moment and stays quiet, regina stares at her eyes trying to understand why she stopped "what's wrong swan?". Swan smiles and kneels down in one knee next to regina "regina will you marry me?".

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