Chapter 6 "Everything has changed"

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It seems the storm is fading away, the lightning and dark clouds cleared as regina took her chances to finally have love. Her conversation with swan still has her wondering during her father's ball. She sits by the royal family in golden high chairs, regina watches everyone dance and have fun. Captured in swans love traps, it was insane how much she'd think about her. Cloudy mind and dreamy eyes "she called me her Princess" a deep sigh of love she takes as she glazed at the guest dancing. Cora regina's mother makes her way to her daughter "..Regina!" She yells "back to reality regina" she snaps out of her swan world. "I'm sorry mother" she apologized "I said I want you to meet someone" Cora pulls regina forward and takes her to this man that looked like a prince "this is robin hood" Cora introduced him "please meet my wonderful daughter regina" Cora continued as regina smiled. Robin takes regina's hand and kisses it, "well at least he's a gentleman" regina only smiles politely. "Would you care to dance with me lovely regina" robin says still holding regina's hand "I'm a bit tired.." regina murmured "of course she will, go on and dance" Cora interrupts regina. She has no choice but to obey her mother's wishes, when will she ever make her own choices? Robin grabs regina by her waist, regina follows the dance to not be rude. She's annoyed by her mother and this robin hood, so she wonders about swan which does make her happy. Daydreaming while dancing is not a very good idea, she accidentally steps on Robins foot "ouch" he expressed "I'm sorry, please excuse my two left feet". They continue the dance with seriousness "I hope you haven't gotten the wrong idea" robin says "we can make this as easy as possible don't you think" he continues. What does he mean? it's quite strange cora has insisted in regina meeting robin. When it comes to her mother nothing is a coincidence. Regina looks confused as she dances "I don't follow" she says stepping on his feet again but this time it wasn't an accident "..sorry" she hissed. Robin looks annoyed now "well now that we're involved in this you should try not to step on my feet on purpose while we dance" his smirk was infuriating and that heavy accent of his was irritating her. Regina backs away and stops dancing, her bewildered reaction had robin wondering "I'm sorry, would you excuse me for a moment" regina excuses herself and leaves robin in the middle of the dance floor. Her mind filled the questions and thoughts that maybe this was another plan of her mothers. Regina walks up the hallways of her castle, she stops as she can't take all of these theories in her head. Was her mother setting her up with robin? He is a prince and the same age as her, this is certainly not a coincidence. What good is there in life if your being forced to be with someone you don't love? "I need to leave this place now" regina hurries to her room and starts packing her most important things for her escape with swan. She's frightened about her mother, packing up she roughly grabs her clothes and stacks them in a bag. Regina starts to over think what if her mother finds out? Or what if her mother kills swan? her anxiety was too much. The ball is finally over, everyone pleased with such a dazzling night. Regina's ready for bed but she won't sleep because of her nerves. Her stomachache, her sweaty hands and twisting fingers won't let her sleep. It's almost morning and regina can't wait any longer, she grabs her bag and quietly leaves her room. Down the hallway almost out the door, regina sees her father out of his room he has trouble standing up "father? What are you doing up so early?" Regina murmured as she got closer to him. Her father stumbled, he puts his hand on reginas shoulder trying to hold on from her. Regina's worried and terrified now she holds him, helping him stand up. He coughs and coughs what is wrong he was fine earlier? "Father what is it? Are you ok?" Regina whispered "I'm not sweetheart,  I - I'm dying" his voice breaks as he speaks. "What are you saying?" Regina's tone expressed fear "we didn't want to tell you this dear, but it's getting to late" he says "we're losing funds, we don't have enough for a remedy and my situation is ver delicate" he continues. For regina it's not making any sense "what can I do to help?" She asked "the man you meet earlier, robin he can helps us he said he would" he says coughing still holding from regina's arms "he has riches that can help me and the kingdom, he asked us for your hand in marriage" he continues, regina gasped as she heard her father's words. Her eyes started to fill with tears "that's the only way you can help us.." he stops as he noticed regina had a bag and her brown coat on. Her running away thoughts were fading "where were you going dear?" He asked, regina starts to Sobb "I don't want to marry him father,  I'm in love with someone else" she murmured. Pain hit her heart as the most difficult choice came to her, more conflicted than ever what was she going to do now? This is her father's life she couldn't leave him to die. Regina puts her head down "sweetheart I .." he falls to the ground with pain his hand on his chest he could barely speak. "Father you need to go back to bed please I don't want you to die" she holds him in her arms, Sobbing even more. This is manipulation her father would never do that to her, her father is caring and loving he truly wants her to be happy. Regina won't imagine that those weren't her father's words, she believed everything he said of course. He had his hand on his chest as the pain came from there, was it his heart maybe? Cora knows how to take a heart out, regina has seen her crush a heart in her hands. She wouldn't do that to her father or could she? Regina is still naive about magic, especially her mother's ways of magic. She had no idea that you could take someone's heart and control a person by what to say and do. The person will do anything you say if you hold their heart. This was the explanation for this case, of course her father would never put his daughter thru a tough choice like this. It was cora holding Henry's heart in her hand saying everything henry just said to regina. Regina helps her father up as the pain severed, her eyes flooded with tears "I love you my darling" his sweet and loving smile brought regina more tears "I love you too father". It was her happiness on a thin line, her father was highly important to her she couldn't leave him to die just for her happiness. It was either a selfish choice or a hero choice. Regina's mind filled with insecurity how will she explain all this to swan? Will she understand? Regina's heart shatters slowly as she takes her father back to bed. He grabs her hand as she's about to leave "where will you go my darling" regina wipes her tears "I have to go do something but I will be back" she whispers. Leaving the room she leans against the wall and slowly sits on the floor "I knew this was too good to be true" she hissed. This life has a new turn for regina now. Changing her path, her destiny is now in her hands.

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