Chapter 15 "The Escape"

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This is quite a complicated bridge to walk through, rough rocks and loose ropes the process of walking thru this bridge was indeed tough. One always invisions there happy life when we reach the top of the hill but what happens with the struggle of climbing how will you reach your happy ending without some struggle. Regina didn't have much time at the forest before her husband found her, this escape plan was sure the hardest. Swan and regina spend a few hours at the palace talking about how to escape, swan had some pretty good ideas. When swan found out about her being royalty she never asked where her castle was maybe that can be there safe haven. Regina had the idea of finding a magic portal to escape to another world where her mother could never find them but where exactly would they go? There was too many ideas but unclear. Swan takes out a map and sets it on a dusty gray glass table "if I'm correct this is where my castle is" swan points to the east side of the map "how can you be sure?" Regina asked looking at the map "Killian said it maybe that one but he said he can helps find out" swan clarifies "but he said it's going to take some time" swan continues. Killian seems to be a smart pirate, he knows almost every round and kingdom. Well maybe that's why swan choose him to help her with her adventure. Regina wrestles with her mind "we don't have time swan, my mother could be here any time she wants and kill you" regina says mortified "well this is the only plan that seems that could work" swan argues. What was exactly the plan? Swan had in mind that if she went to her kingdom they would protect her and regina from cora. They both were willing to fight but they needed an army, it was the only plan that could be successful. The real question was could killian help them out? He was quite in a rush to get his payment and sail his ship but for swan the deal was not over yet. They needed to work fast so swan looks for killian "listen we really need your help" swan says alarmed "I'm guessing another change in plans" he plays his obvious tone "we don't have much time we need to do this now" swan demands. Killian has a annoyed face but he still accepts to help them out "what's happening now?" He asked "we need your ship, we need to leave tonight to the south kingdom" she explained. The nerves take in regina can't control her negative thoughts "what if this plan doesn't work?" She says her hands sweating tied together from her nerves "it's ok it's going to work" swan takes regina's hands "trust me" swans smile calms regina down. Everything was clear Killians ship was ready to sail all they needed was to wait till sun down to take off "you remeber where and when we are going to meet?" Swan asked "yes" regina murmured, swan wraps her arms around regina and holds her tightly. Swans arms feel like home she couldn't let her go, a tear falls down regina's cheek "you have to calm down, you can't go to your castle like this" swan takes out a white handkerchief and cleans regina's tears, her soft touch comforts regina. Swan hands her the handkerchief so she can clean herself up on her way to her castle "you have to go so you can pack up" swan continues "I'll see you in a couple of hours" regina smiles, she grabs swan from her cheeks and pulls her towards her lips for a soft long lasting kiss. Swan plays with regina's hair as she kissed her, regina holding swan firmly against her body "whoa! We should wait after the escape don't you think?" Swan whispers close to regina's lips "sorry" regina giggles. They walk out the palace holding each others hand "you be careful and hide" regina orders "of course my queen" swan smiles, regina reaches over and places a sweet kiss on swans cheek. They let go of each others hand and regina makes her way to her castle, only a few hours away from sun down. Regina makes it to her room without her mother or husband noticing, she locks the door and prepares her bags for the trip. She packs only the clothes she likes which are very few. Flashbacks come to regina as this moment is very familiar, the last time they tried this something very tragic stopped them. This time it seemed no one had a clue of what regina and swan were planning. Regina can't help it to feel frightened about what's going to happen it was such a dangerous route, she could feel the ground under her feet crumble and the walls stumble from her nerves "calm down regina" she says to herself. Regina lights up a candle to feel peace and good vibes she takes deep breathes as the sunset cleared her mind. Regina waits patiently she puts on her black cape and leaves her hair down in natural waves, just like old days. It's sundown and it's time to go, regina peeks out of her door all she sees is darkness and not a soul in the hallways. She walks quickly with fear praying that no one sees her "regina" it's her mother. Regina stops as fear ate her insides "where are you going so late?" She asked "I'm leaving" regina answers turning to see her mother in her eyes "your leaving?". Cora's looks are sarcastic "yes, mother I'm leaving and there's nothing you can do to stop me" regina says determined "ok". What? No fireballs or magical branches to stop regina? "I just hope your doing the right thing" Cora adds, regina's look is more confused than ever her mother is not stopping her at all. Regina turns around and runs out the door before her mother changes her mind and stops her. She runs as fast as she could thru woods "what if she follows me?" Regina removes the thought off her mind as she looks back constantly checking if her mother followed her. The fog troubles regina's view, she stumbles thru the branches on the ground. Regina makes it successfully to the palace "Swan!" She yells entering the palace "regina" swan appears running towards regina. Everything seems to be working as planned "ok let's go Killians waiting for us" swan says "wait, my mother she didn't stop me" regina says loosing her breathe from so much running. Regina is still a bit shocked about her mother's reaction she couldn't wait to tell swan "she didn't do anything to stop me, she let me go" regina humbles "isn't that good?" Swan says confused "no that's not good, it's not good at all" regina breathes heavily with terror "we need to go, we can talk about the rest in the ship..". As soon as regina and swan are about to open the door to leave, a knock on the door startles both of them. The knocking continues the person could almost knock the door down, regina and swan run to hide to the closest spot they could find behind a old sofa. They're both terrified holding hands tightly "what if it's my mother?" Regina whispered "I won't let her hurt you" regina cries "it's ok she won't hurt us". The door opens and the persons footsteps frightened them even more "emma?" It's a man's voice. Who could it be? It's certainly not killian and it wasn't regina's father. Swan pulls out her sword quietly and regina prepares a fire ball in her hand, they both stare at each other as confirming they're move with they're eyes. Swan and regina jump out of the sofa, swan stands in front of regina as protecting her from the man. The darkness of the palace was impossible to see the man's face "who are you?" Swan yells with her sword pointing at the man "it's ok i won't harm you both" the man whispered "that doesn't answer my question" swan yells. Swans firing eyes intimidate the man "your just like your mother" he says "you better start answering my questions or we will.." swan argues "no please, I promise I won't hurt you I knew your parents" he insisted "how do you know me and my parents?" Swan continues. The man takes out a old folded paper he hands it to swan "look" he says, swan takes the paper carefully without putting her sword down. She unfolds it and it's a picture of swans parents Snow white and David, the old paper had their names and the kingdom's. Swan cries slowly as she sees the first picture of her parents "I'm your uncle emma". Swan can't believe she found someone of her family, there was too many questions on swans head. This could change so many things but it can help them, swan wanted the help of her kingdom to protect her love for regina and fight cora. Now it just seems easier having a family member by their side as so they thought.

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