Chapter 20 "Believe in us"

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Stabbed in the heart regina was furious as someone has stolen swan from her again, her blood boiled inside her of anger this person playing tricks with her couldn't stand a chance. Her lack of sense blinds her as all she wants to do is rip the persons heart and crush it "regina wait" killian grabs her arm stopping her "calm down, we need to figure out who's doing this"  he says " i'll be calm when who ever took swan from me is dead". Killian is right regina needs to calm down if she wants to save swan "we need to think who is doing this and why"  killian suggested "well its not my mother, shes dead and I'm positive of that" regina argued. it had to be someone with magic clearly, they didn't have much time to think "I might know who it is" said killian, Regina looked clueless "someone else wanted swan dead" killian continues "its swans uncle". James wanted his own niece dead? why would that be? as the story tells cora wasn't the only one evil in this world, James was David's brother swans father he was always taught to follow in his brothers steps. James was known as the bad one in the family, he was a selfish delirious man all he wanted was power. There was no doubt that he might have worked with cora to get what he wanted, regina and Killian run in the castle looking for swan. They walk into the ballroom regina gasped "swan!" She screamed as she saw swan standing asleep inside a glass coffin, the poison was still inside her running thru her vains in her body. Regina and Killian run towards swan "where do you think your going so fast?" Appeared james from the side of the coffin "you thought this would be that easy?" he laughs. His evilness won't scare regina she stars a fire ball in her hand which is quickly removed by the dark one who appears in the other side of the coffin "that's not going to work here dear, not as long as I have the dark ones dagger" James pulls out the dagger demanding rumplestilskin to obey all his wishes. Rumple was the most powerful man regina couldn't defeat him so she plays a more wiser move "you can't have rumplestilskin by your side forever" regina said calmly "true, that's why we are prepared to offer you a deal" James said to regina. What kind of deal will he offer? It has to be something powerful so he can have swan almost dying and the dark ones dagger. Trust issues fill regina's mind, of course she'll do anything to save swan but with these two she has to be careful. Regina clears her throat "what do you want?" She asked "simple" James answered "you need to give up something..". His pause alerts regina her face pale as she worries about swans life "you will give up your magic for emmas life" James pulls a long written contract. Bewildered regina was caught in a serious deal, giving up her magic was sure hard but she would do anything to save swan, regina pauses for a min speechless "is that a hesitation I hear?" Says james sarcastically "I'm not hesitating" regina immediately confirms. Regina walks slowly to take a closer look at the contract "how do I know you both are not tricking me?" She observed the contract "well it doesn't really matter, you got no other way to save emmas life". His statement makes regina think he is right after all she doesn't have other options on saving swan "where do I sign?" Regina asked. Killian gets closer "regina you have to think clearly" he whispered "there's nothing to think about captain this is the only way to save her" regina says determined. Magic was a escape for regina it was her comfort but now swan was her comfort, swan was her remedy and she was everything she ever wanted more than magic, the dark one gives regina a quill "deal" she signs the contract "perfect" James smilied wickedly. Rumple gets closer to regina "I'm sorry regina" rumple feels sorry he's being obligated to this he's always had care for regina it really hurt him to do this to her, his hands stand out aiming at regina. the extraction looked hurtful as regina's full body shivered, the magic was leaving her body like an exorcism. Regina falls to the ground weak and in pain, rumple holds regina's magic in a air ball in his hand dark purple air ball "well dark one our work her is done" they both dissappear in a cloud of dark smoke. Swan is still in the glass coffin "swan!" Regina screamed, the glass suddenly shatters into a million pieces sending swan to the ground falling unconscious. The noise of the glass breaking was so loud both regina and Killian covered there ears and eyes, regina runs to swan scared "s-swan" she stuttered. The pieces of the glass seemed to not have hurt swan, regina holds her in her arms "swan?" Regina yells waiting for her response. Her eyes fill with happiness as swan opens her eyes and starts breathing the poison dissappears magically off her skin "regina you saved me again" she laughs. Swans sense of humor brings regina a smile "your ok" she cried with a smile, swan cleans the tears of regina's cheek grabbing her from her hair swan pulls her for a soft kiss. A loud frightening sound interrupts their moment "what was that?" Swan asked "we need to get out of her now" Killian yelled. James evil plan was still unclear for all what did he need regina's magic for? Regina, swan and Killian make it to the jolly Roger preparing to run off "what's going on? Can both of you explain to me what just happened?" Swan asked confused about the situation. Regina felt a bit nervous on telling swan the news about her uncle she thought it could devastate her that her only family tried to kill her "I know this is all confusing for you but I'll explain it to you once we leave" regina tries to calm swan down. The tensión was immensely as the loud sound alerts them "we can't waste any more time" Killian clarified "we're not leaving until you two tell me what's going on" swan makes killian stop the boat with her firing personality. Regina takes a deep breathe "i'll tell her" she grabs swans hand and they walk away from killian to talk alone "regina remeber what we said no secrets" swan reminded. The look on regina's eyes was fearful all she wanted was for swan not to get hurt "swan the person who did this to you-" regina sighs "it was your uncle james". Regina expects a heartbroken swan but instead she takes the news as old news "I knew that" she frowns "how did-" regina looks surprised "since I meet him I knew he wasn't trust worthy but I was so heartbroken that I didn't pay full attention to the signs". Swan is very smart but apparently not when she has a broken heart "when you disappeared outside of the castle that was him and rumplestilskin, I made a deal with them" regina explains. Swan overreacted with anger "what?!" She argued "what kind of deal?" Swan asked "I gave up my magic to save your life". Swan slowly cries she feels flattered and truly loved "you gave up your magic for me" her heart accelerates it's almost bursting out of her chest, the fact that regina gave up her magic for her shocked swan "of course, I'd do anything for you" regina smiled. Swan wraps her arms around regina she will treasure this moment forever, they all stumble as the loud sound was now stronger and louder "we have to stop them" swans reckless mind speaks. Regina immediately rejects the option "they're too powerful swan, we won't survive" regina's fear is that she doesn't have her magic anymore it makes her feel useless "without my magic I can't defeat them" she continues "we can do it together, we can defeat them" swan says optimistically. The ground crumbles and stumbles again like an earthquake "we're losing time" Killian yells "what if they're about to destroy the world with us and we all die" swan has always been the one to fight and not give up something she needs to teach regina "do you believe In me?" Swan looks deep into regina's eyes "yes" regina answered glazing at swans sparkling green eyes "then believe in us". Swans words fill regina with hope, she always brought out the best in her "ok". Regina smiles approving of their next move, how could she say no to that adorable face of swans? The real problem was how were they going to stop them, regina's magic was gone and fighting against james and rumplestilskin well that's going to be war to die for.

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