Chapter 16 "The blade of betrayal"

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Living a life of a runaway, being called a theif constantly wasn't easy. Imagining and thinking why do I have this kind of life? The thought of finding her parents was always on swans mind but when she found regina all she ever wanted to was to be happy with her. For swan her life has never been easy, all she ever wanted was to know why her parents abandoned her. She still has an amount of questions still not answered, swan didn't worry much about all that her priority was regina. Swan cries slowly staring at her parents picture "listen emma, we've been looking for you all this time" swans uncle explains "people thought you'd had died but we knew we had hope that it wasn't true" he continues. Regina puts down her fireball and grabs swans hand comforting her "so your my uncle?" Swan smiles "yes your majesty and we're here to rescue you" he answers. Swan smiles at regina as happiness filled there minds "if your from my kingdom then we need your help" swan says as she got closer to her uncle "she's regina, my soul mate and we need your help to defend our love" swan says still holding regina's hand. Swans uncle reflects confusion "this is a very complicated situation emma" he explains "who do you need protection from?" he asked "regina's mother, cora mills". The man immediately expressed terror in his face "Cora mills is a harsh powerful woman, we can't defeat her" he says feared "I know we can defeat her, I just need armour and my people to fight her" swan says determined "but emma.." he pauses "even if there was a possibility to defeat cora, the kingdom is poor we have no army". Swans face slowly filled with sadness trying to process her uncles words "all this time we've been in a deep search for you to help us bring your parents kingdom back on its feet". This was there only chance at fighting against cora, what will they do now that there plan was falling apart? "If she comes with us" he points at regina "we will all die including you emma". Swan frowns "no! I refuse to believe that, there has to be a way we can fight.." swans voice breaks as she feels a knot on her throat "th-there has to be a way" she stuttered "I'm sorry emma. We have to leave before cora finds us here". Swan is in complete denial her tears were unable to stop "give us a moment alone please" swan asked her uncle "of course" he says stepping out of the palace. Swan turned around facing regina holding both her hands "we can still do this, we can still defeat cora I know it" swan bawled "no swan you heard what he said it's impossible, you need to leave with him" regina exclaimed. They're crushed feelings tormented their minds in that moment, the pain was unbearable for both of them but swan seemed to be showing it more than regina "you have to leave to your castle, you'll be safe there" regina murmured "what your asking me is impossible I can't leave without you" swan cries, her eyes drowned in tears and her voice broke every time she speaked. Regina hides her feelings she's very good at it "your going to have to forget about me" regina let's go of swans hands "don't you understand!" Swan yells "I can't live without you" swan says sorrowful. Why is this happening again? Where is that Regina I'm-willing-to-fight Mills? Swans heart shattered into pieces with regina's words. She felt like a brick was weighting her down in the ocean drowning her, like a earthquake stumbling her feet or like a blade stabbed right in her heart. Swans heart was broken once again by regina "your going to have to try and live without me" regina says her last words and dissappears in cloud of purple smoke. Just like that, swan lost all the hope and faith she had in to finally being happy "she's gone" swans quiet mind froze as she sees only darkness around her. Regina appears back into her room, her dark sorrow room. As soon as she looks at her window all her build up sadness shows, she sobs with so much melancholy she literally felt like there was needles in her heart and broken glass in her throat. Regina quickly cleans her tears as she hears a knock on the door "sweetheart, your back" Says cora opening the room "I knew you'd make the right choice". Her mother's presence mocks regina so she only follows her lead "yes mother" she says "well you better get some sleep we have a big day of moving tomorrow" Cora exits regina's room. Such an obedient daughter she was, all regina thought was she was brought into this world to obey her mother and doomed to suffer. Swan, Killian and her uncle are off on there way to her kingdom "it will be okay swan eventually" Killian says standing next to swan "you know it's funny how I'm in a ship and heartbroken again" swan walks to the other side of the ship to be left alone with her pain. Regina can't cope with herself she magically watches swan leave in the ship thru her mirror, all she wants is for one day swan will understand why she did this. She sacrificed her love, she let her go so she could be safe with her family "I'm so sorry swan" regina cries and places her hand on her mirror at swan, she cried with so much melancholy there was so much pain in her heart. In the jolly Roger, Killians ship they make there way to swans kingdom "this is a fine ship you have mate" Says swans uncle to Killian as he sails the ship "not really sure what shall I call you?" Killian asked "James only james". Swan was still on the other side of the ship alone and heartbroken "do you think she will be alright" Says Killian "she'll be fine trust me, her kingdom needs her more than true love" James says with a selfish tone "how did you find us james? No one knew about swan or where we were". Swan has been an orphan since she was born how has no one from her kingdom recognized her or found her? "A woman send us a message,  we don't know her identity or location but she told us emma was alive and where we could find her" James continues "just like that, the woman gave no identity?" Killian felt something was off about this story "yes just like that". There arrival was quite welcoming, so many people cheered and smiled at swan as she walked thru the village. Swan felt confused and aggravated as the people kept hugging her "look emma this is your family" James said walking next to swan "ugh that word again" swan had lost the definition of Family who else could she trust or believe in now that regina was gone forever? It's sunrise and in regina's castle there's so much movement and packing. From clothing to crowns regina had all packed up she was more than ready to leave this castle. With a broken smile she walks out of her room, her black dress and hair pined up she looked like she was attending a funeral, her own actually. Regina is about to walk out to her garden when one of the servants comes running towards regina "your majesty" she screams alerted "what's going on?" Regina says startled "it's your father". What could possibly go wrong now? Regina runs to her father's room "what's wrong?" She asked a servant that was checking her father's pulse "I'm sorry your majesty but your father Is very sick he doesn't have much time" he says. Regina immediately breaks down crying first swan now her father, how could she survive such pain and misery. She asked herself why is that bad things happened to her all the time? She did good things even if other people thought she was evil. She has sacrificed her happiness plenty of times, she lives in a marriage without love and her magic fills her heart with darkness every passing minute. In her head all she had was that she was doomed to suffer and she will never have true love, her fears always took the best of her but regina hasn't heard the truth of all. Her father was on his last minutes of life could he tell regina the truth? It was time to set things straight and maybe for regina to have her happy ending.

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