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Though it was good to see her family again, Rose couldn’t deny her feelings of relief at being back in Lyme. It was like it held an invisible tie to her, and the farther away she went, the harder it was to resist coming back.

    She approached an apartment door, though not her own, and knocked.

    The door swung open and she was caught up in the arms of her friend.

    “It’s good to see you too,” she laughed.

    “I’m glad you’re back,” Rainey said. She pulled away to glance over her friend, and Rose knew immediately when she noticed her circled eyes.

    “Did someone punch you in the face or have you been sleeping?”

    She escorted her in before closing the door. Rose plopped into a chair and watched her friend as she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, waiting.

    “I was on sleeping meds while I was in Weber.”


    Rose nodded. “I haven’t been sleeping well, but it’s nothing, just really vivid dreams.”

    “Oh, Rose,” Rainey said. She hurried to her side and took her hands. “These dreams aren’t about Mr. Mysterio, are they? Because I know a guy who I think you’d be really interested in.”

    Rose shook her head adamantly. “No, definitely not. Rainey, I hate blind dates. I hate the idea of being set up.”

    “Trust me! This guy is super cute, plus he’s really nice, and I happen to know for sure that he has a crush on you.”

    Rose raised her eyebrows. “And how do you know this?”

    “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I’ve spotted him multiple times ogling you. And also maybe because he’s in our psych class and I talked to him.”

    Rose pulled her hands away from her friends as if they were dripping goo. “You did what?”

    “Rose, it’s cool.”

    “Rainey Marie Olson, I can’t believe you! Actually, I can believe it. This is exactly something you would do.”

    “Why won’t you just give him a chance? You’ve already proven that this other guy is a complete jerkoff that comes in and out of your life whenever he pleases. I’m just trying to show you a real gentleman.”

    Rose deflated, falling back into the plush of her couch.

    “I can’t believe this,” she groaned.

    “Trust me.  I wouldn’t have done it if he was a jack ass or he was a womanizer or if his face was covered with warts. He really is a nice guy and he does really like you. Could you at least give it a chance?”

    Rose met her friend’s gaze and wished she hadn’t. She grabbed a pillow, threw it over her face, and mumbled something unintelligible.

    Rainey grabbed the pillow to remove it.

    “What was that?” she asked.


    “Yes!” Rainey threw her hands in the air, triumphant.

    “But only this time. Just the one date, and only because you asked me to. I don’t want you to try to play matchmaker with me again.”

    “This will be the last time, I promise. Now, we have to figure out what you’re going to wear!”

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