Thirty Four

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A loud gasp made him look up.

He was on his feet and reaching for her, but she was gone before he could take a step.

"She saw," was Emma's broken whisper.

"I'm sorry," she said. Eli heard her as she stood up behind him. "I didn't mean . . . I shouldn't have kissed you."

"You're hurting."

"It doesn't excuse what I did. I shouldn't have, and now she's hurting."

"Give her some time. I'll talk to her."

Eli was not looking forward to this talk, but nonetheless, he braced himself as he pushed open the door to their room.

Something came flying at his head and he ducked just in time.

"Don't come near me," Rose cried.

"Rose, just hear me out."

"She kissed you! And you let her. How could you? With everything going on, and you asked me to trust you, and I did, and you betrayed me. How could you?"

Rose crumpled in front of him, sobbing, and he longed to go to her, but he knew she would only push him away.

"There's no excuse for what I did," he said quietly, taking a small step forward.

"And I can't tell you how sorry I am." Another step.

"It wasn't my intention to hurt you. Emma was hurting. I told her about Balthazar, and she was only seeking comfort."

He knelt down beside her and reached for her hand. She snatched it away and glared at him through watery eyes.

"Don't," she whispered.

"Rose, I'm so sorry I hurt you."

She brought her knees to her chest and rested her chin atop them. She was silent for a long moment before she said, "I was coming to tell you I was sorry, that I loved you."

She turned to look at him, her eyes an ocean of hurt.

"Please," she pleaded, "Just leave."


Eli sat in silence beside Emma, neither knowing what to say to the other.

Finally, she broke the silence.

"If only I could've seen this," she whispered brokenly.

Without looking, Eli reached out and took her hand. "Nothing's set in stone. You said that yourself."

"Miss Emma."

They both turned at the sound of Gunner behind them. His dark eyes flicked to Eli and he held up an envelope in his large hands.

"Something has come for you."

He glanced at Emma, but her furrowed brows told him that she knew as much as he did.

He took the envelope from Gunner and opened it up. It was a letter.

He read over it quickly before glancing up at Emma.

"It's from your father."


Rose pushed the last of her things in her bag.

She worried that she might've been making the wrong decision. Would she be vulnerable to Katrina on her own?

But she couldn't stay here, not with the reminder of Eli's betrayal staring her right in the face every time she opened her bedroom door.

Placing her letter on the bed, she grabbed her things, and snuck out of the room.

The house around her was almost completely silent. If she quieted her breathing, she could hear the soft humming of voices coming from the end of the hall, a study.

There was a squeal, followed by a peal of happy laughter, and Rose felt her knees buckle.

This was what he wanted, someone who wasn't cursed, someone who was uncomplicated.

She turned and continued toward the door. A taxi would be waiting for her at the end of the drive to take her to a local hotel.

She would only stay long enough to get some rest. Once Eli knew she was gone, he would come for her.

Maybe this way, they would both be safe.

She looked up to see the taxi waiting for her up ahead at the end of the drive. She breathed deeply. This was the right decision. It was the only decision.

She hitched the strap of her duffle higher on her shoulder and sighed in sorrowful resignation, when a shadow out of the corner of her eye made her look up again.

A gasp ripped from her throat as the witch known as Katrina stood before her.

"Hello, Rosemond."

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