Thirty One

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They were both silent as Eli drove. Rose didn't know where they were going and hadn't asked.

They had stopped by her apartment to gather her things and it was from there that she had called Rainey. She hadn't picked up, but she left her a long voicemail promising to explain everything later. She wasn't looking forward to that phone call.

They had been on the road for an hour, both deep in their own thoughts, but now, Rose didn't want to continue down the road hers seemed to always take her, so she glanced at Eli.

His brow was furrowed and his knuckles white on the steering wheel. She decided to break the silence.

"Where are we going?"

He glanced in her direction, as if finally remembering that she was there.

"To another friend of mine's."

"You have more friends?"

"We still have another few hours before we get there. Did you need to stop?"

Rose sighed heavily. "No, I'm fine. Keep driving."

She glanced back out the window.

Eli took her hand and squeezed it in affirmation. I'm sorry, it said. I don't mean to shut you out.

"I would call ahead to let them know that we are coming, but they don't have a phone."

Rose wondered who didn't have a phone these days.

"Hopefully our arrival will not be unforeseen. I would hate to surprise them."

Eli sounded grim, and Rose gave him a speculative look.

He half smirked. "Gunner is a fierce man. He swings first and asks questions later."


They arrived closer to sunset than Rose would have liked. Ever since Katrina's attack, Rose didn't feel safe in the dark. She wasn't completely sure of what she was capable of, and she thought that Eli didn't either.

They turned down a long, winding dirt road surrounded on both sides by infinite trees.

Eventually the road ended, and she found herself looking up at something that could easily be described as a castle. It was a sprawling Victorian style mansion that looked like it should be in a New England suburb, than this plot of land seemingly in the middle of the forest.

Eli opened the door for her and took her hand, but her attention was still captured by the mansion in front of them.

"This is where your friend lives?" Rose asked in astonishment.

Eli didn't bother to hide his amusement. "Yes. An inherited fortune."

Rose gave him a look. "You have many friends in high places."

Eli took her hand and led the way to the front entrance. He seemed to be bracing himself for whatever welcome they would be receiving.

The door swung open and the largest man Rose had ever seen stood before them, a pistol in each hand.

Eli pushed Rose behind him as the man's shifty eyes took them in. They landed on her first and after a quick perusal, finally moved to Eli.

"Eli," he acknowledged.

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