Thirty Two

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Rose awoke in the dark. She reached across the bed, but it was empty. Where had Eli gone?

She slipped out of bed and dressed before glancing outside. The light had just started to appear over the horizon. Had she slept all night?

Her stomach cramped painfully in hunger. No wonder. She had missed dinner last night.

Last night. She touched her lips and smiled. Last night had been an affirmation. Eli had made love to her slowly, sweetly, and with great care.

There was no one else he wanted to be with but her.

Sparing one last glance in the mirror, she made her way downstairs to find the others.

Gunner, Emma's large manservant, stood in front of the stove, frying what smelled like eggs, in a small apron. The sight was comical.

She heard a soft giggle and looked toward the dining table. Emma sat with a large mug of coffee in front of her. She looked dazzling in the early morning light. She looked young and carefree.

Her hair was pulled up out of her face in a messy bun, copper ringlets framing her face, and in the dawn light, faint freckles were visible along her rosy cheeks.

And Eli. He was as beautiful as ever. His golden eyes landed on her, and he smiled, a smile that was reserved only for her.

Feeling slightly smug, she waltzed over and planted herself in his lap before landing a quick peck on his lips.

He searched her eyes, wondering what brought on this show of affection, but she turned away, gracing Emma with a smile she knew she couldn't see.

Emma wore a slight, knowing smile as she said, "You never reemerged from your room last night. Poor Gunner and I had to enjoy dinner alone."

Despite Emma's lack of sight, Rose blushed.

"Anyway, breakfast is almost ready. Would you like some coffee, Rose?"

"Yes, I would rather enjoy that."

As if waiting on her confirmation, Gunner placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of her. Black, how she liked it.

"Emma," Eli began. "You were going to tell us about Katrina."

"Yes," she said before taking a sip of her coffee. She glanced out the window, as if there was really something there for her to see.

Rose didn't wonder if she enjoyed drawing this out.

Emma sighed heavily before turning back to them.

"It's not like you don't already know this, but she's planning something big, Eli. Something that even I cannot clearly see. She intends for this to be the end. Either you come back to her or . . ." Emma trailed off.

"Or what, Emma?" Eli asked.

Emma pursed her lips, her delicate eyebrows furrowing in hesitation.

Eli reached across the table and squeezed her wrist.

"Or what?"

As if her sightless eyes could see her, they flicked toward Rose and back again.

"Rose will die. For good this time. I'm sorry. That's all I know."


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