Twenty Three

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Rose wore a short burgundy skirt and grey cut off tee, paired with black tights and heeled booties she borrowed from Rainey.

She pulled at her skirt. Was there any way to make it just a little bit longer?

"Stop pulling at it." Rainey swatted her hand. "You look fine. Besides, you need a night out according to those rings around your eyes. It took me ten minutes to cover them with concealer," she grumbled.

Rose didn't feel much like partying after the last two, sleepless nights, but she let her friend drag her out anyway.

They flashed their IDs at the bouncer and he allowed them entrance. According to Rainey, this was the hottest new club, and insisted they check it out.

It was living up to its hype, but Rose couldn't make herself enjoy it. They found a booth and Rose sat while Rainey ordered them two Hurricanes and shots.

"Relax," she said as she returned. "Please try to make this night enjoyable."

Rose offered her a smile. "I'll try."

"I can't believe you won't tell me what's bothering you," Rainey yelled over the blaring music.

"It's nothing you should concern yourself with."

"If it's about that guy, Rose, so help me−"

"It's not about him," she lied. It was about the dreams he continued to haunt her in.

Their shots arrived and Rainey handed her her drink. "Well, whatever it is, pack it away and don't touch it for the rest of night. Tonight, we're getting drunk."

Rose decided to take her advice. She was tired of feeling bad for herself, and drowning her sorrows in alcohol was better than wallowing in her feelings.

She took the shot, grimacing at the slow burn, and then sipped at her drink.

"Ugh," she complained.

"Great, right?" Rainey laughed, taking another whopping sip.

They sipped at their drinks, watching as the other patrons swayed and jumped to the beat.

A song with an electric beat and soft vocals came on, and Rainey screeched.

"This is my song! Let's dance."

Rose barely had her drink down when Rainey had her by the arm, and pulled her out to the dance floor.

Rose hadn't danced in a long time, at least not in public, and it felt good to move, to lose her senses in the music, and forget about her troubled thoughts.

She lifted her hands and swayed her hips, dipping low when the song slowed, and jumping when the beat picked up.

One song followed another, and she danced until she was completely out of breath. Rainey didn't follow her back to the booth, but went to the bar to order more drinks.

Rose was floating in a haze, and she had no plans to come down. Rainey approached with shots in hand, and passed one to her. They threw them back, both grimacing at the other as it burned a path down their throats.

"There is a hotty at the bar who wants to dance with me." Rainey winked and sipped at her drink.

"Go. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" she asked. Rose looked at the so called "hotty", and knew that Rainey was pretty plastered.

"Yes. Go have fun!"

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