Episode 9

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Seraphina's POV

I opened my eyes to the bright morning. Immediately, I quickly got up from my bed and checked my phone to see if there was any news of John waking up from the Royals group chat. They consisted of me, Remi, Arlo, Isen, Blyke...and John. If he had woken up, at least one of them would've gotten the news and texted it. 

Figures. What did I expect anyway? That he'd wake up that easily? As much as I'd like that to happen, this is reality.

What if he never woke up? The thought invaded my mind. Tears began forming into my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. 

I have to be strong. For John.

I set my phone down and began to start another lifeless day. Wake up, brush teeth, eat breakfast, and go to school. Wake up, brush teeth, eat breakfast, and go to school. It was such a sad cycle because he hadn't been there to brighten up my day, but the other Royals did their best to comfort me. Come to think of it, it's selfish of me to think I'm suffering. When John had been suffering all along and none of us even batted an eye. How pathetic. 

I sighed.

"Good morning, Seraphina." Elaine greeted me as I put on my running shoes to start my day with a 30 minute jog. Today was a weekend.

She looked at me a bit funny. I looked back at her with supposedly a glare since she flinched a bit in response to my stare.

"Um, Seraphina. Are you getting enough sleep?" she asked worriedly.

Ah, she was looking at my eyebags.

"I'll be fine, Elaine. Don't worry too much." I responded flatly.

"Erm, okay. If you say so. Just know that the Royals and I are here for you."

"I know that." I said. "Well, I'm off. See ya."

I waved Elaine goodbye while she waved back sheepishly. "Alright, see you later!"

Halfway into my jog, I reflect on John's actions from two years ago. How he first introduced himself. He was the infamous cripple of the school who was assumed weak because he had no ability. But that never stopped him. Even when getting into fights, he mostly came out as the victor. He also had a strong sense of justice and the idea that everyone should be treated fairly. He was an inspiration for most low tiers...and me. 

Back when I was that perfect girl who attended class everyday, intently listened to the teacher's boring lectures, and came out on top with full marks, I had been snapped back to reality by John's inspiring words.

"I don't care what other people think or say about me. And I don't care if I have no ability. Before coming here, I already decided that I'm gonna do whatever I can to live the way that I want."

John's words echoed in my head.

That's right. The reality is that I do what I want. Not what others want from me.

Regardless, I still treated him like crap and he responded the same way as I did. Though, I can't really blame him for that since looking back, I must've sounded so stupid. In the end, we still got a good grade and he introduced me to the fun and easy going way of life. The good life.

That night, I was going to change my whole life. For the better or for the worst. I had no idea, yet I was so excited. I picked up the scissors and cut through my hair.

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