Episode 14

898 29 13

Seraphina's POV

"Things were going fine. Vanessa and I hung out quite often inside and outside of school. It was fun. And the best part was that no one at Fotia could ever tell us off. A high tier and low tier getting along like normal friends? The system doesn't work like that." William continued to talk about his past with Volcan, John's mother and William's former wife. "Even though Vanessa quit her Queen position, she was still the school's top student. So no one had the guts."

"It wasn't until a bit later where things started getting rocky and I noticed some cracks..."


William's POV


Shoot! I completely forgot about our meetup at the mall! Nessa's gonna have my head if I arrive late like last time, and I really don't want to die!

"Vanessa, what are you doing?" I suddenly heard a voice from the end of the street with a turn. I sneakily creep up to the wall to hear the conversation better.

Whew. My savior! If Nessa didn't get to the mall yet, I'm safe!

I turn my head to take a look at the person speaking to her. 

Great. It's that jackass again. The stupid king of Fotia Private Academy, AKA Blueberry Bitch. That's what we decided to call him.

"Oh. It's you." Vanessa looked at him with a cold stare.

"Come on. Don't be so sour." he scoffed. "Now, where are you headed?"

"Why do I have to explain myself to you? I can go where I want to, no? Urgh. Since I know you're not going to let me pass unless I tell you, I guess I have to. I'm just going to the mall to meet up with Will, that's all." she replied.

"Tch. That cripple again?" Blueberry Bitch said, bitching like usual. "Why are you even hanging out with that guy? He's so pathetic and weak. Doesn't even have an ability."

"Well, he's certainly better than you, that's for sure. At least he can put up a fight without relying on an ability to carry himself. Unlike a certain blue bitch."


"What's with you? Since you've been hanging out with the school cripple, it seems like you've lost yourself. Your personality has been replaced with another and you're being so much more ruder than before." he crossed his arms angrily. "I'm even wondering if this is the same person who defeated me at Turf Wars. It's like you've degraded yourself-


Shit. She snapped.

"Shut up. Whether I change myself or not, it's not your decision to make. You can certainly refuse it. That I don't mind. But don't you insult William or me ever again." Vanessa gave him a deathly glare.

Damn. If looks could kill, he'd be severely burned. She quickly calmed herself though and sighed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have someplace I need to be."

I could hear taps on the ground getting louder.

Ah, screw it. I'm not gonna run away when I know I'll get found out by her.

"Ah, Will." Vanessa turned at the corner. "You were here?"

"Yeah. I was headed to the mall, but while I was getting there, I kinda overheard you and Blueberry talk." I explained. "Sorry, Nessa."

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