Episode 13

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Seraphina's POV

At Wellston Hospital...

"Vanessa and I met in our first year of high school. Note that this was also back when I was in New Bostin. Except, I didn't attend the same school you attended, John. Instead of New Bostin High School, I managed to get into Fotia Private Academy." William started.

"Fotia Private Academy?" John asked. "I've heard of that place before. While doing research for a project when I was still in New Bostin. The acceptance rate is kinda tight though..."

I chuckled. "Wow. Would've never guessed you'd actually be willing to do research on your own. How much has changed in two years?"

"Shuddup, Sera. I was failing at the time." he responded.

"Alright, kids! Enough chit chat!" William interrupted our little conversation. "You wanted to hear my story about the two of us, didn't you? So don't interrupt!"

He sighed. "Anyway, as I was saying. Fotia Private Academy was a hard school to get into. The only two things you needed if you wanted to go there were brains or power. Or both. But then, you'd be lucky as hell to hold those two at the same time. Fortunately, aside from my weak ability level, considering I had none, I was a really smart kid who scored excellent grades."

"But, as you know, only power is what interests people. Even though I was one of the smartest students in that academy, my classmates didn't care and still bullied me. You know how it is. You win some, you lose some. Most of the time, I'd be able to win because I could fight, but sometimes there would be a group of mid-tiers who'd be so obsessed with picking on the weak and even beating them up for the fun of it." William closed his eyes. "There was only one person who truly understood what the lower ranks felt like."


William's POV

30 Years Ago...


"Oh, sorry." I said to an older looking girl with long blonde hair and golden eyes.

"Hey, cripple! Watch where you're going!" a blue-haired boy beside her yelled at me.

"Um, but I said I'm sorry. Why do you need to make such a big deal about bumping shoulders?"

"Do you have a brain? Don't you know who you just bumped into? The Queen, idiot!" he made her seem like a god.

"And what of it? What do you expect from me? That I kneel down and kiss her hand?" I was so sick of these high tier losers.

"Why, you little...! How dare you make a mockery of-!"

"Leroy. Stop." the blonde girl finally stepped in.

"Huh? But he-!"

"But nothing. You should know that not every little thing needs to be solved through violence. Besides, he's right. It's just a bump on the shoulders. Nothing too big." she turned to me. "Apologize to him."

"Um...sorry for troubling you..."

"Ah, it's okay..." I replied.

"Good. Well, we're off then. Bye." before leaving, the girl waved goodbye with a warm smile on her face.

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