Episode 2

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John's POV

My memory is fuzzy. My head is spinning. What's happening? I don't know. Do I want to? Where's Sera? Sera...Sera...Se...

I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was white. So much white. It was blinding. Where am I? Is Sera okay? Arlo, Elaine. Those two...they had better take care of her.

"Ah, you're awake."

"Huh? Who's there?" I attempted to get up, but I couldn't. 

Why was my body feeling so heavy? 

"Urgh! Fuck!"

"Don't bother. You've been injected with a power decreasing serum. You can't use your ability to break free."

"What!? Stop this! Let me go! I need to see my friend!" I struggled to move my arms and legs.

"Don't fret so much, Mr. John Doe. It's not permanent. You can get your ability back. If she allows you to..."

"Who's 'she'? I want answers right now!"

"If you say so. Hey, Volcan! He's awake!"

Volcan? That name sounds familiar. No. Don't tell me-!

"He has? How splendid! I'm coming over!" another woman replied with joy.

"Stop! No! Not her-!" I yelped.

I felt my mouth begin to shut. It felt like sticky tape had been attached to it.

"Mmf! MMMF!!" I couldn't speak.


"I'm tired of the bullies at school, Mom. I always end up in bruises and blood when they're done with me. The world is so cruel. Claire and Adrion need someone stronger."

"Hm. Is that so? Then why don't I help you become stronger, John?!"

"M-Mom! Stop it! What is it that vial? I'm scared!"

"Even if you're a worthless cripple, you'd still make for a good test subject!"


"Hmph. Knocked out cold."


"W-What happened...? Urgh! I can't move!"


"Mom! What're you doing to me?"

"You said you wanted to become stronger, didn't you? Well, my work includes making drugs to amplify abilities. Since you're so worthless, I can test as many vials as I can."


"John, dear. I promise I'll keep you locked in this room forever. You won't be able to escape and I promise your body will soon hold nothing but punctures. Now sleep."

~~~Flashback End~~~

A pair of black heels clicked on the white floor.

No. This can't be happening. Not again!

I finally saw her. That long blonde hair and golden eyes. That black dressed figure. And that frightening stare of hers. Before I knew it, my eyes felt wet from the flow of tears.

The woman who was my mother stroked the side of my face. "Oh, John. You're back. I didn't know what to do after you escaped. It's quite rude to disappear on your mother, you know."

I shut my eyes tight. I didn't want to see her.

"Please don't cry. You won't be fully tied to his table the whole time. With your powerful abilities, why would we let you waste your power like that? Rayna, take off the tape on this mouth so he can talk."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Pah!" a huge weight had been lifted off.

"Mom..." I glared at her.

"Oh, I missed that wonderful voice of yours!"

"What will you make me do?" I asked.

She smiled.

"Your friends, Seraphina, Arlo, and Elaine. They may come back for you. We can't have that. They must be eliminated. By you."

"There's no way I'm hurting Sera or those two without a good reason! What makes you think I'll play along with your Ember deeds?"

"You don't have a choice."

I felt another syringe pierce through my neck. It stung so bad. 


"You'll work under us, John. Whether you like it or not. Even if you don't want it, that's for your body to decide." I could feel Mom's voice getting more faint.

"W-Wait..." I huffed. "Come back..."

My vision was getting blurry again. No!

"Sweet dreams, my dear son."

Le Bonus

Name: Rayna

Ability: Restrain

Ability Level: 3.8

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