It's Just A Dream (13)

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6 Months Later

Alois' P.O.V.


"Oh look! It's a boy and a girl!" The doctor says, handing me the little girl and Ciel the little boy. Ciel smiles, me joining him.
"She's beautiful.." I say, looking down at her pale porcelain skin like Ciel's and my own. Her eyes are a deep blue like Ciel's."You look so much like your dad..."
She reaches a hand out to me and smiles, showing her pink gums. I giggle. I then realize that she was only raising her right arm, and her left eyes was closed.
I unwrap her pink blanket and gasp, to see she is missing an arm. Blood is flowing out of the stump of what's left. She then opens her left eye, and I see that it isn't normal. It's a crimson red, and she cries tears of blood.
My eyes widen in horror as I watch the scene before me.
"Doctor! My daughter!" I shout, but no one is there. I then see Ciel approach me with a knife as our child is wailing.
"C-Ciel! What are you.." He brings the knife to my neck, slicing it. He doesn't cut too deep, but he cuts it enough to where I am bleeding profusely.
The cut really stings and I start to cry, my tears going into the blood pouring cut. My eyes flick up to my beloved boyfriend.
"Why would you do this to me.?" I whisper, beyond shocked. I thought he loved me.
"I'm.. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Alois, I love you. You know that.. Right?" He starts to panic and grabs a chair from a desk in the hospital room I gave birth in. I watch, my heart speeding up, and my vision getting hazy.
I watch as he throws a chair at us. By us, I mean my daughter and I.
I listened to the sounds of my baby screaming, tears forming a waterfall from my eyes.
"Ciel! Why?!"
"Alois, what's wrong?" He stopped panicking. I frowned, sobbing loudly.
"Ciel, you just hurt me and the child!" I scream, my voice cracking.
"Alois! I'd never do such a thing! Alois, wake up!"
"I'm wide awake! I just watched you throw a chair at me!"
"Alois, Alois, please wake up! You're worrying me!" Ciel walked to me and shook my shoulders."Alois, wake up!"


"Alois, wake up!" I heard Ciel say to me."Alois, I'm worried,"
My eyes shot open, tears brimming them. I looked at Ciel to see he was not going crazy, and then I looked down to see my very swollen stomach.
"Alois?" Ciel softly said. I sniffled and hugged Ciel tightly, afraid that if I didn't hug him, he'd disappear.
"I love you, Ciel.."
"I-I love you too. Uh, did you have a bad dream or something?" He questioned, stroking my hair gently.
"Yes. Oh, it was horrible, Ciel." I said, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"No. Never." I shook my head quickly, pulling away from his embrace.
I smiled softly, then a sudden pain came to my stomach. I gasped, clenching my fist.
I was a bit used to these pains, due to the fact that I had been pregnant for 9 months already, but this one was really bad.
I felt little feet repeatedly kick me, causing me to hiss.
"Alois, " Ciel said,"are you okay?"
"No.. It hurts.!" I cried out.
"Do you think it's time?"
I nodded, the pain increasing as I was kicked again.

He helped me get up and put a pair of pants on, then quickly got me to his car. I sat in the passenger's seat, breathing slowly.
"Just breathe in, and out," Ciel nodded,"I learned this on Full House, breathe like this, hee hee hoo hoo,"
I nodded, wanting to laugh. I did what Ciel told me. It helped alot.
"Okay, I'll be right back, I have to get my keys, and let Sebastian know we are leaving."
He ran inside as I waited for a few minutes. Ciel came back, with his shoes on this time.
He hurriedly climbed into the driver's seat and zoomed off.

Hi everyone! I'm sorry for the late update, I hope you're happy with this at least. It's just, I have so much missing work at school and I need to finish it, but I procrastinate by sleeping (also I'm kind of depressed). I'm a huge procrastinator, btw. But yeah, next chappy will most likely be a time skip, Im not sure.
Thank you for the reads, votes, and comments, I really love you all. And I read every comment, I just don't really reply to dem. sorry.

Please let me know how you felt about this chappy!

Oh, and I think I might make a Sebaciel fic, what do you think? But I won't be posting it until I finish this book and some of my others, I know you guys don't like waiting. okay, bye bye.


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