Hidden Feelings (1)

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Alois is dead. He probably won't ever be coming back.

I never got to tell him my secret.

To be truthful, I have always loved Alois. Even if he was rather annoying, or tried to kill me several times.

I still loved him with all of my cold heart.

I miss him, too. I'm half the reason he's dead. I stabbed him.

But I feel like I put him in a better place. A much better place than this horrible world he was forced to face.

Although, he didn't go to the place known as heaven. He made the contract, so seeing the pearly gates wasn't an option for him, unfortunately.

I really do miss him.


Alois' POV


I opened my eyes and sat up. My eyes weren't adjusted to the bright light, so I put my hands over them.

'Where am I?'

When adjusted, I let my eyes see the light of day. I surely wasn't in heaven.

Or hell.

"What the devil?" I whispered as I saw several familiar people walking about. I was in London again?!

I stood up quickly (maybe a little too quickly because I was a little dizzy for a moment) and ran out of the ally I was laying in. I looked at all of the carriages and couples walking around.

"What is going on?!" I yelled. I felt a hand slip over my mouth and I was pulled into a room. I screamed and kicked until they let me go.

"Turn around, Alois," I heard a man say. I turned around slowly and looked up at him. His face was clearly emotionless. The man adjusted his spectacles.

"Now, Alois, I have a question for you."

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