Emotional and A Little Chunky (10)

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~3 Months Later~

Ciel's P.O.V.

Alois had definitely gained weight...
He was always eating ice cream, or cake, or something unhealthy. Either that, or he's eating an incredibly weird combination of two things.

He'd ask me everyday if he was fat. Of course, being the loving boyfriend I am, I'd say no. Secretly, I'd think, 'yes.. yes you are, Alois.'
He'd cry over silly things. For example, we were watching Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club, and we were watching one of the last episodes of Eternal Summer, I believe. Anyway, the four men were discussing how Nanase Haruka and Tachibana Makoto were leaving for college. Alois thought it was so sad how the childhood friends had to leave eachother, so he started to ball. To make matters worse, Hazuki Nagisa and Ryugazaki Rei started to cry. That definitely made Alois worse.

"I-I-It's not f-fair! W-Why m-must th-they grow up! Th-they we-were having so m-much f-fun in the s-swim club!" Alois sobbed, burying his head in my chest and getting snot all over me.

But there were other times, where Id be watching him, without him being aware. Alois would be sitting in a chair or something, and rubbing his swollen stomach. He talk to our child, telling them how much he love him and how lucky he was to have him.
It brought out a less manly side of me.. I'd shed a few tears, then carry on what I was doing before I decided to sneak a peek of my boyfriend.

No one knew about Alois' pregnancy except for Jess, Sebastian, Alois, and I. We thought it'd be best for us to keep it a secret; we didn't want any commotion.

"Ciel.." Alois said softly, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked at him.
"Yes?" I asked, pulling him closer to me. Him and I were sitting in my living room, watching Hetalia: Paint It White!, a pretty entertaining movie. (comment if you've seen it)
"Ciel, do you love me? Even in this form? This fat, emotional form?" Alois softly quizzed.
"Of course I do, honey. I told you, I'd love you no matter what." I kissed his forehead.
"I promise." I grabbed his hands and intwined his fingers with mine."You okay, babe?"
"Yes, Im fine. I was just worried."
"About?" I frowned.
"I was worried about losing you.. I really care about you, and I'm so afraid to let you slip away." Alois softly replied. I squeezed his hand.
"That'll never happen, okay? You and I are stuck like glue. The only way we'd break up is if you wanted to. The feelings would not be mutual, either." I kissed his soft lips. Alois kissed me back a little roughly.
After a few seconds, we pulled away from each other for air.
"Ciel, is it normal to be horny while carrying a child?"
"I believe so, dear." I chuckled. Alois cuddled against me.
"I'm tired. I think I might sleep..."
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you more.." Alois mumbled as he fell asleep.

I giggled and kept watching the Hetalia movie.
My favorite character ha to either be Italy, Germany, America, or Japan.. or Prussia! Okay, I love all of them...

Authors Note: Hey guys! Been a while, aye? Anywho, I've recently finished Hetalia: Axis Powers and Hetalia: World Series~!! (So if you don't know, I've basically finished Hetalia) I've watched a little of Hetalia: Paint It White! But I couldn't finish because my mom was being an arsehole. Oh, and does anyone know a place where I can watch Hetalia: Beautiful World?! The struggle is so fucking real because I think I have to buy the DVD to watch all of the episodes in Dub. *sheepish grin* Ye, I watch most of my anime in dub.. Don't hate me! It's just, sometimes I don't feel like reading. don't get me wrong, I love subbed, I just prefer dubbed.
I keep trying to get my friends' Netflix info so I can use it, but she wouldn't answer. Ughhh. That's another struggle! Mehhh.
But Christmas is coming up so yay :D! Actually, not exactly yay for me, but for the families that will be spending their holidays together. I don't really live with my daddy anymore, so.. things aren't the same.. It's rather upsetting..

BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, i'll be getting a certain amount of money to go shop at Hot Topic! :D Im praying that ill have enough for this Kuroshitsuji hat I want, some anime Tees, and some adventure time merch. The only struggle there is that Hot Topic is super pricey.. :/ BUT AT LEAST IM GETTING SOMETHING :D

Anyway, please vote, comment, and follow!

Oh! and I've posted a Yaoi one shot story, it'd be awesome if you'd all read it. I know it wont be popular, but I still love writing Yaoi... xD
I lurv you all, and make sure you kiss Japan for me! (not on the lips 'cos ill cry, since he seems so innocent..)


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