Chapter 19

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Lilypetal's POV


A purr began rumbling in my throat as I recognized the soft hiss that had come from behind me. "Psst, mother!" the voice came again.

I exchanged an amused glance with Thornclaw, who was snuggled up close to me in our nest, before shifting slightly to face the little bundle of fur that was trying to get my attention. "Yes, Lightningkit?" I whispered.

I then watched, my heart beginning to swell, as the black pelt of my son appeared into my sight. His yellow eyes were wide and anxious as he kneaded his white paws into the ground. "Wrenkit sent me and Emberkit away so that we could hide, and he's going to try and find us!" Lightningkit whispered, whipping his head back and forth to see if his brother was near. "Can I hide in between you and father? Wrenkit would never find me there!"

I purred with amusement as I turned my head to look at Thornclaw once more. My eyes narrowed into slits as I gazed at my mate teasingly. "Can you handle not being stuck to my fur for a few moments?" I murmured, nuzzling Thornclaw's cheek affectionately.

Thornclaw's pale blue eyes glittered with humor and love as he nodded. "Well, sure!" he exclaimed. "We wouldn't want Lightningkit to be found, would we?" I continued to purr as he then shifted himself slightly in our nest, leaving a small space between us. He then nodded to the small gap we had created. "All yours, Lightningkit!"

I then returned my gaze to Lightningkit to see him letting out a small squeak of excitement. Then, without another word, he quickly padded over with his little paws and wiggled his way in between Thornclaw and I.

The two of us exchanged another amused look as our son curled up into a little ball and nestled into our fur. One of our kits using the both of us as a hiding spot, I thought happily. That's a new one.

"Don't tell Wrenkit that I'm here!" Lightningkit whispered, blinking up at us. The little black bundle then gasped as a small rustle came from the nursery entrance. "Uh, oh. There he is!"

Sure enough, I looked up to see Wrenkit with his brown tabby pelt making his way into the nursery. He paused right at the entrance, his pale blue eyes narrowing down into slits as he scanned the den. He let out a small grunt before padding deeper inside and continuing to look around.

"Hi there, Wrenkit," Thornclaw purred, flicking his son's ear with his golden tabby tail. "What are you up to?"

Wrenkit sighed, shaking his head slowly before turning to face Thornclaw and me. "I'm looking for Lightningkit and Emberkit, but so far I'm having no-"

Suddenly, Wrenkit was cut off as a high-pitched sneeze came from Lightningkit's hiding spot.

I then tried to suppress another purr of amusement as Wrenkit's ears flicked, and his gaze shot to our nest. "What was that?" he muttered, his tabby tail lashing back and forth.

I could feel a tiny paw prodding my flank, and I looked down to see that Lightningkit was flashing me a desperate, warning look. I was practically trying to hold back a smile as I then returned to Wrenkit.

"Um... that was me!" I exclaimed to my son, scooting closer to Thornclaw so that Lightningkit would be more hidden. I then nudged Thornclaw with my shoulder as I heard him let out an amused, disbelieving snort. "Yes, definitely me. I sneezed."

Wrenkit clearly wasn't buying it. "Do she-cats sneeze from their stomach?" he mewed, his eyes narrowing once again as he trotted even closer.

"Yeah, didn't you know?" I meowed, my voice full of laughter as I watched Wrenkit then climb onto my flank and peer over.

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