Chapter 2

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Lilypetal's POV

"Hi, there!" Mistpelt was purring as I padded up to her and Sandstorm.

I dipped my head to the two she-cats. "Hi!" I purred back as I sat down in front of them. I took a deep breath, trying to decide where I even wanted to begin. This is the first time I've ever outwardly told a cat besides Thornclaw that I'm having kits! I realized nervously. The first time I had been expecting kits, every cat in ThunderClan seemed to know before I did, if I was being honest.

Sandstorm seemed to sense the seriousness of what I wanted to say, standing up and nodding her head to Mistpelt and me. "I'll let you two talk," she meowed kindly before padding off to join Firestar, who was speaking with Graystripe near the Highledge.

Mistpelt watched her old friend go before turning her pale blue gaze to me. "Come! Sit down," she insisted, beckoning me over with her tail. Once I had settled down beside her, I felt her gaze burn into my cheek as I continued to look for words. "Lilypetal, what's going on?"

Deciding that I wanted to tease my mother a bit, I sniffed and met her gaze with narrowed eyes. "What makes you think that something is going on?" I murmured, tilting my head.

Mistpelt reflected my gaze as it looked like she was trying to suppress a purr of amusement. "Hm, well, you look like something is on your mind," she answered before nudging me on the shoulder with her own. "And your eyes are glittering as if you've had just a little too much catmint."

I gasped and dropped my mouth open, pretending to be offended. "Excuse me!" I exclaimed while purring. "Well, I mean, when you're expecting kits, you're ought to look overwhelmed with happiness!" Smooth, Lilypetal. Smooth.

I let out mrrow of laughter as Mistpelt's eyes then looked as if they were about to pop out of her head. "What?!" she yowled, springing up from where she had been lying down. "Lilypetal, are you serious?"

I nodded eagerly, watching as Mistpelt took a deep breath and lied back down. "I am completely serious," I meowed, my voice shaking with emotion. "I'm expecting another litter with Thornclaw."

There was no mistaking the loud purr that was rumbling in Mistpelt's throat. I closed my eyes as my mother touched her muzzle to my cheek, her sweet scent flooding through my nostrils.

To this day, I was still thankful that Thornclaw and I had found Mistpelt out in the ThunderClan forest all those moons ago. I could've lived my entire life not knowing what love from a mother felt like, I realized. If that Twoleg that had taken us had completely succeeded, that could've happened...

But to my luck, it hadn't, and Mistpelt was as amazing as I had ever imagined my mother being, her only flaw being the fact that she had hidden who my father was from me for moons after she had rejoined ThunderClan. But that was all past. Scourge was my father, but that didn't matter to me; he was gone, and I still had the parent who truly loved me unconditionally.

"Lilypetal, that is so wonderful," Mistpelt then whispered before pulling away to meet my gaze. "I am so happy for you two. When are they due?"

"Not for a while yet!" I answered. "A couple of moons at least, I'm sure."

I then let out another mrrow of laughter as Mistpelt let out a squeal like a kit. "A couple moons at least can't get here fast enough!" she meowed excitedly. "Oh, I can't wait to see them!" I then tilted my head as Mistpelt let out a snort. "Maybe one of them will look more like you this time!"

My eyes widened as I thought about Mistpelt's comment. What my new kits would look like never really mattered to me - they were always going to be perfect in my eyes. But my mother was right - neither Goldenshine and Snowflight had taken on many of my features, more of Thornclaw's by far. Which I don't mind at all! I thought as I pictured Thornclaw, his golden pelt, handsome face and blue eyes. Goldenshine is nearly a copy of her father with the same golden pelt, and Snowflight had his blue eyes.

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