Chapter 14

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Swiftpaw's POV

And... go!

With a hiss of determination, I lept at Ivypool, who was standing just a couple of tail-lengths in front of me. As the she-cat had been commanded, she let me pin her down. Even though I'm sure I'd be able to pin her down anyway...

Tigerstar, who was watching, whipped his head over to Blossomfall, who was waiting off to the side. "Go, Blossomfall!" the dark tabby tom barked at her.

Blossomfall gave a single nod before crouching low and slithering towards Ivypool. I lightly dug my claws into the silver-and-white she-cat's shoulders while Blossomfall then lightly slashed her claws along Ivypool's flank.

I tried to ignore the pang of guilt I felt as I heard a small hiss of pain come from her. It's training... it's just training...

I almost felt relieved with Tigerstar's next words. "Now, Ivypool, what are you going to do to defend yourself?"

Ivypool seemed to be waiting on that signal as well, immediately using her hind paws to kick me backwards.

Foxdung! I cursed to myself as my grip was released from Ivypool's shoulders. But thinking quickly, I outstretched my forelegs and twisted my body, resulting in me managing to land on my paws. Yes!

As I landed, I could just barely hear Ivypool letting out a contemptuous grunt. And I looked back up at her to see that she was rolling her eyes.

At this sight, I felt annoyance bubbling up inside of me. What, so do you hate me now? I asked in my mind. Must I not succeed ever again just because I said "no" to your outrageous offer?

Using my surge of anger to my advantage, I let out another hiss and leaped back onto Ivypool. The two of us struggled at first, rolling around on the ground for a few heartbeats before I actually was able to pin her down again. Once I was steady, I looked down at my opponent to see two blue flames.

I narrowed my eyes back at the warrior, that being followed by a smirk. "I'd step back, Blossomfall," I muttered, giving a quick nod to the tortoiseshell she-cat who had been watching the two of us from a little ways away. "I think I've got this on my own."

Ivypool's eyes widened as she snorted. "Oh, do you?" Ivypool growled as she managed to lift a paw, and unsheathe the claws that came with it. "You're going to rethink that in a couple of moments!"

"Or rather, you'll let Ivypool get up," another voice muttered from behind me, and I whipped my head around quickly to see Ashfur padding up to arrive at our group training session. Nodding to Tigerstar, the gray tom then meowed, "If you don't mind, I'd like to take Swiftpaw and get some individual training in before he wakes up."

"Of course," Tigerstar murmured to Ashfur, then turning back to where I still had Ivypool pinned to the ground. "Fine job, you two. It seems that the both of you had some rage that needed releasing, and it showed. I like that."

Hm, you've got that right, I thought bitterly to myself as I finally backed off of Ivypool to let her stand up. I then watched as she shook out her fur, then flashed me another look full of vexation and whipped around to pad towards her Dark Forest mentor, Hawkfrost.

I watched her for a moment, trying to push down my tugging regret as I began to follow Ashfur. We went from being friends, to being so cold towards each other so incredibly quickly... I thought sadly. I'd even thought that we'd become more than friends someday. But that's not likely now, is it?

I then sighed as I followed Ashfur through some shrubs. And even "not likely" is being generous to myself. As long as I'm still refusing to spy, Ivypool's going to despise me.

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