Chapter 3

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Goldenshine's POV

A shiver instantly ran down my spine as I fell into consciousness, and found that I was in my nest in the warriors den.

Great StarClan almighty, it's freezing! I thought irritably as I slowly lifted up my head.

Through the slits in the brambles above me, I could just barely see the splashes of purple, pink, and navy up in the sky. Silverpelt was still flitted among the sky, but it wouldn't be for much longer. Dawn is nearly here.

Suddenly feeling like I had been thrown into the coldest water in existence, I let out a quiet hiss and pressed myself deeper into Dustystorm's fur. Next to me in the nest we shared, the sandy-gray tom was fast asleep, his flank rising and falling slowly.

My irritated hisses then turned into soft purrs as his scent overcame me. I sighed and closed my eyes once again, letting myself be comforted by my new mate and his warmth.

Dustystorm and I had only been mates for about a quarter moon, but it all felt so right that it felt it had been so much longer than that; like we had just always been together our whole lives. To tell the truth, after meeting him for the first time when he had arrived in ThunderClan camp with Smudge and Nightwing, his sister, I never could have imagined then that we'd spark such a connection.

But now, I could truly say that the morning after the ShadowClan battle, when we confessed our love to each other, was the most amazing moment of my life.

You know, aside from my apprentice ceremony, my warrior ceremony and having Swiftpaw, my son, of course!

Along with becoming mates, Dustystorm and I had decided to share a nest together in the warriors den. Not only did I love getting to curl up with my love every night, but it was nice to have another cat next me to keep me warm, when it was starting to get so hecking cold!

Just as I was about to drift back into sleep, my eyes shot open again as I heard another cat stir. I lifted my head to see that Rosepetal was attempting to pad out of the den as quietly as she could, taking slow but sure steps as she tried not to smash anyone with her paws.

It was then that I realized that I needed to get up as well, remembering that I had been assigned to go on the dawn patrol the moonhigh before.

Well, so much for keeping warm! I thought begrudgingly as I slowly stood up, trying not to wake Dustystorm. I then shook out my fur before beginning to carefully follow Rosepetal out. Oh, well. I'd do my duties in the most frigid leaf-bare if it meant I was serving my Clan.

As I was about to crawl out of the warriors den, my eyes fell on where my mother, Lilypetal, was curled up with Thornclaw just a few tail-lengths away. My father's tail was wrapped around Lilypetal's slightly swelling belly.

I couldn't help but pause as I looked back at my parents, letting out a soft sigh as my warming heart took me away from my cold shivers for just a moment.

Lilypetal and Thornclaw had given me the news that Lilypetal was expecting kits just a few days before, and I don't think I could have been more ecstatic for them. To be honest, I had always wondered if I was ever going to get some new kin, and I had actually been severely doubting it up until I heard the announcement.

These kits are going to be my sisters... or brothers! I realized, my ears flicking. Wow, imagine having a brother, I've never known what that's like! Oh, I can't wait to meet them!

Still staring lovingly back at my mother and father, I then had to suppress a slight purr of amusement as I thought about the conversation that Dustystorm and I had had after we were told that Lilypetal was expecting.

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